USDF Region 6 Raffle presents

Pile of Russells ~ Georgia Gerber
From her Studio/Foundry on Whidbey Island, in the middle of Washington's
Puget Sound, sculptor and dressage rider Georgia Gerber donates one
of her delightful life size bronzes: "Pile of Russells".
Inspired by a litter of Jack Russells inhabiting the Whidbey Equestrian
Center, the sculpture is alive with the youthful charm of this breed
that has become so popular among riders everywhere.
Proceeds from the Raffle will benefit the USDF Region 6 Championship
effort. The sculpture will be on view at the ABIC/USDF Region 6 Championships
(Sept. 27-29) and the USDF Annual Convention in Portland, Oregon (Dec.
11-15). Raffle tickets are $1.00 each and may be purchased wherever
the sculpture is displayed, or by using the form below. The winning
ticket will be drawn at the USDF Annual Convention.
Georgia is widely recognized for her ability to capture an animal's
essential beauty and character. She is best known in the Northwest
as the creator of the Seattle icon "Rachel", the Pike Place
Market Pig. She has over 35 other permanent public installations throughout
the country. Georgia is also an avid dressage rider, showing two horses
at second and third levels. USDF Region 6 extends a huge and heartfelt
thanks to Georgia and her dedication to the arts and to the wonderful
sport of dressage. You may view other works by Georgia at

Sept. 27-29, 2002
USDF Annual
Portland, OR
Dec. 11-15, 2002 |
send ________ USDF Region 6 Raffle Tickets @ $1.00/each for
Georgia Gerber's
"Pile of Russells". Enclosed is my check for $________.
I understand I need NOT be present to win.
Name _____________________________ Street _______________________________________
Mail to: "USDF Region 6 Raffle", P. O. Box 1173, Stanwood,
WA 98292. Raffle Ticket stubs will be sent by First Class Mail
and the contribution is Tax Deductible.