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The Bowmore Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair

Blair Atholl, Perthshire
Thursday 22nd - Sunday 25th August 2002

Taggart Star To Visit Horse Trials

Don�t panic if you see DCI Steven Jardine on the August bank holiday weekend when you are visiting the Bowmore Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair at Blair Atholl!

No-one has been murdered and no-one is being investigated. "Taggart" actor, James McPherson will be enjoying his day out like everyone else and helping to support the Children�s Hospice Association of Scotland (CHAS) at the same time.

This is the 14th year of the prestigious Bowmore Blair Castle event and the second year that it has adopted CHAS as its official charity. The four day show takes place in the magnificent grounds of Blair Castle from Thursday 22nd to Sunday 25th of August and features many of the worlds top riders.

It also includes one of the best Country Fairs in Scotland on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th August, however, James McPherson is planning to come on Friday, when "The Festival of the Horse" takes place. This includes demonstrations of many different breeds and types of horses including the spectacular little Icelandic horses.

The "Taggart" star, who is soon also to be seen in "The Bill," has been a supporter of CHAS for many years and is a regular visitor at Rachel House Childrens� Hospice in Kinross, which offers respite care for families of, and children with life limiting illnesses.

He said, "I am delighted to be attending the Bowmore Blair Castle Horse Trials where I can continue to help raise funds for CHAS, while having an enjoyable day out. With a second hospice planned for Loch Lomond, it is vital that the public are kept aware of this worthwhile charity."

or further details please visit the Bowmore Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair website - click here


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