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Don't sell my pony!
by Jennifer DiCamillo

I'm getting on that horse.
Gonna ride it down the trail.
He's not going to auction.
You can't take him to the sale.

We're packing up our stuff.
And heading down the road.
My pony ain't too small!
He can carry this old load.

We've been friends for way too long.
I owe him way too much.
He ain't getting old and cranky.
He just needs my special touch.

I like the way he looks,
No matter what you say.
Whiskers give him character
And he looks good with all the gray!

You can't sell my pony Ma.
I couldn't bear to see him go.
Who cares if he don't run?
I like him just this slow.

No, I don't wanna move up.
And I don't need a big horse.
Just try and take him away-
You'll have to use force!

Pry me from the saddle!
Rip me from the reins!
He ain't a poor keeper.
He just needs more grains!

I'm telling you Ma.
You can't sell him off.
That ain't a sickness.
Can't you see it's a cough?

And he ain't going blind.
His eyes are good enough.
So what- they're getting cloudy?
We like the filmy stuff!

No, this pony ain't leaving home,
Just heading to the field.
He can hang around in pasture
'Til he's good and healed.

I know what you've been thinking.
You think he's going lame.
But listen to his rider.
His gait is just the same.

Oh, I can see he's getting old.
And he's looking kinda sad.
But that's for all this selling talk.
I can tell it makes him mad.

Give the guy some credit.
He ain't deaf you know.
He's just ignoring you.
He doesn't wanna go.

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