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horse APHA Judges Seminar, Show Management School set for April 4--7 near Munich, Germany

FORT WORTH, Texas-The American Paint Horse Association (APHA) will conduct a special seminar April 4-7 at the Reitsportanlage Vaterstetten near Munich, Germany, to educate and qualify individuals to judge at APHA-approved horse shows in Europe. In conjunction with the three-day judges' seminar, APHA will also host a one-day course to help show managers and secretaries plan and carry out successful horse shows.

The association conducts these seminars every other year in response to the growing interest in Paint Horse shows in Europe and the continued need for qualified judges.

Tina Anderson, Ph.D., APHA's director of shows, explained that the APHA Judges Seminar and Show Management School will begin with helpful discussions for show managers and secretaries on a variety of topics. The next day will be dedicated to an overview of APHA, an introduction to judging, and classroom instruction. The final two days will consist of testing and live judging.

"This is an excellent opportunity for potential judges and others interested in managing shows in Europe to grow professionally," said Anderson.

"There is a great need for qualified APHA judges in Europe, especially when you consider the tremendous growth we've seen in the number of shows over the past several years. The number of APHA-approved shows in Europe has tripled over the past eight years, growing from only 18 shows in 1993 to 55 shows last year.

"In recent years, we have also seen a growing trend in the number of judges being recruited from the United States to officiate at European horse shows. For obvious reasons, it would involve a lot less expense if more European judges were available to work at these shows.

"Also, due to popular demand and a growing interest in Western events," said Anderson, "we will focus our efforts on educating judges and show managers in these areas as well."

Bill Englund, chairman of the APHA judge's committee, and veteran APHA judges Darrell Bilke and Jack Drechsler will conduct the seminars, with assistance from Lex Smurthwaite, manager of APHA's performance department, and Anderson.

People interested in attending the seminar and school can obtain qualification rules, a registration form and a judge's application form by visiting

There is no charge to attend the Show Management School. The cost of registration for the APHA Judges Seminar is a $100 (U.S.). Registration is due by March 15 to the address listed on the form.

To speak directly with an APHA representative and to obtain registration information, contact Markus Rensing, APHA director of European affairs, in Nordenau, Germany, at (49) 2975-800 96, or fax (49) 2975-80097. He can be reached by e-mail at

More information about APHA
Since its founding 40 years ago, APHA has registered more than 640,000 horses. Currently, American Paint Horses are being registered at APHA's Fort Worth, Texas, headquarters at a rate of about 62,000 horses each year. The association serves about 100,000 members, who are located in 40 nations around the world.

APHA employs 160 people and has an operating budget of $15 million for activities worldwide.

Among the many qualities that make Paint Horses desirable are their sound
conformation, versatile athletic ability, intelligence, calm temperament, willing disposition and beautiful coat color patterns.

For more information about the American Paint Horse and APHA, visit or call (817) 834-2742, extension 788. For details on APHA judging, visit

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