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Jennifer Nice to lead award-winning magazine

American Paint Horses Association announces appointment of new editor

FORT WORTH, Texas-The American Paint Horse Association (APHA) announced recently that Jennifer Nice of Weatherford, Texas, has been named editor of Paint Horse Journal, the association's award-winning monthly magazine.

Jennifer Nice, recently named editor of the Paint Horse Journal, brings a wealth of editing and horse industry experience to the award-winning magazine. She is shown here with Magnolia Pere.

For the past two years, Nice served as senior editor of Endurance World and Equestrian & Golf magazines in the United Arab Emirates. She graduated with a bachelor of science degree in journalism from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and is a former resident of the Golden State.

Nice comes to APHA with an extensive background in publishing and art direction. She was formerly with Fancy Publications in Irvine, California, where she served as senior editor of The Western Horse, Horses USA and Quarter Horses USA. Under her leadership, The Western Horse was awarded the 2000 and 2001 Steel Dust Award by the American Quarter Horse Association in four different categories. The magazine also earned an outstanding photography award from American Horse Publications during her tenure. Quarter Horses USA earned a 2001 Steel Dust Award while Jennifer was senior editor.

In addition to her outstanding qualifications in equine magazine publishing, Nice is an accomplished equestrienne and competitor. She was a member of the 2000 United States Equestrian Team for the World Championships in France.

She is an active member of the American Endurance Ride Conference, American Horse Publications, American Horse Council, International Arabian Horse Association, United States Equestrian Team and USA Equestrian.

Nice has also co-authored and edited a book on fitness and nutrition for distance riding and has also written a novel.

"The American Paint Horse Association is fortunate to have someone with Jennifer's experience joining the Paint Horse Journal staff," said Jim Kelley, APHA executive secretary.

"Jennifer has a proven background that will benefit our magazine in many ways. I am confident that the Paint Horse Journal will continue to be one of the premier magazines in the equine industry. That's why we hired Jennifer," Kelley said.

Nice said she has long had a love for horses and a desire to write.

"I first became devoted to horses when I was a young child, and that devotion has never wavered," said Nice, adding that she considered the Journal editorial position the pinnacle of her career. The job combines her love for writing and editing with her passion for Paint Horses.

Nice said one of her priorities will be to maintain the award-winning magazine's integrity and originality. "I plan to totally immerse myself in the Paint Horse industry and will continually seek out new ideas to keep the magazine moving forward," Nice said.

The award-winning Paint Horse Journal is widely regarded as the premier magazine covering Paint Horse topics worldwide. The magazine reaches approximately 30,000 subscribers in 30 nations.

More about APHA and Paint Horse Journal
To find out more about APHA, call (817) 834-2742 or visit To visit the Paint Horse Journal Web site, log on to To subscribe, call (817) 222-6431 or contact


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