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Armadillo's New Hot/Cold Therapy System for BETA 2003

Three times winner of the BETA New Product Awards, Armadillo have launched another product to add to their Therapy range. Armadillo are already known for their range of Magnotherapy products, including the Armadillo Magnetic Wraps, winner of the BETA New Product Awards 2000.

The Armadillo Hot/Cold Therapy System allows you to apply hot or cold therapy anywhere on the rider or limbs of the horse - all with one product!

Heat treatment provides quick relief from muscle and joint pain, stiffness and swelling. It increases the blood flow, relieves muscle spasm and reduces pain.

Cold treatment decreases swelling in damaged tissue and relieves pain. Cold therapy also reduces the risk of injury after heavy exercise such as eventing, show jumping or endurance.

The Therapy pocket insulates the Gel Pack, keeping the temperature constant for longer whilst allowing efficient hot or cold transfer to the body.


The Hot/Cold Therapy System comes with 2 gel packs (for hot and cold), one therapy pocket and 2 straps for universal use. 100% machine washable.

One Size fits:
Horse:- Tendon, Fetlock, Thigh, Hock, Knee
Human:- Shoulder, Elbow, Knee, Back, Thigh, Neck, Ankle

RRP £44.95 including 2 gel packs, one therapy pocket and 2 straps.

Available from your local tack shop or from
" Shires Equestrian Tel: 01568 613600
" Derby House Saddlery Tel: 0870 1118905
Or contact Armadillo Products Tel: 01980 629796


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