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horse BHS Awards Party A Huge Success!

The British Horse Society in the North and Yorkshire recognised the achievements of six individuals at the sell-out second Annual Awards Party held at the Morritt Arms Hotel in North Yorkshire last weekend (18 January).

The event was once again shared with South Essex Insurance Brokers' BHS National TREC League Awards.

BHS North and Yorkshire Regional Awards Party 2003. Pictured form left: Miss Anne-Marrie Perry, Mrs Jane Bartle Wilson, Dr Jonathan Pycock, Mrs Kathy Atkinson, Mrs Patricia Harrison

Sadly, the award for services to Riding and Road Safety was presented post humously to Mrs Evelyn Graham from Morley in Durham, who died suddenly in early January. A key member of the Equestrian Community in the North, Evelyn will indeed be a huge loss.

The award for work in Access and Rights of Way was presented to Mrs Kathy Atkinson from Newcastle, who was recognised for the huge contribution she makes to the extension of off-road riding in the area.

Horse and Hound correspondent Dr Jonathan Pycock, from Malton in Yorkshire, was surprised to find himself the recipient of the Equine Breeding Award in recognition of his outstanding work in AI, Embryo Transfer and IVF. Jonathan collected his award to the sound
of Tom Jones, singing 'You Can Leave Your Hat On', which caused much amusement.

Mrs Patricia Harrison from Carlisle in Cumbria was honoured with the Horse Welfare Award in recognition of her activities in this field, which span several decades.

The winner of this years' Special Achievement Award went to fifteen-year-old Anne-Marie Perry, from Elwick in Cleveland. Anne-Marie qualified her mothers' 'Forest Fire' for the National Dressage Championships in 2001, winning at Elementary Level, only to return in 2002 to win the Medium Championship - a very impressive record!

Former Olympian, Jane Bartle-Wilson, having presented prizes to winners all evening, then received one of the biggest surprises herself, when Mrs Muriel Allan, Chairman of the North Region Committee, presented her with the 2002 Trainers Award for outstanding service to Dressage.


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