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Bob Jeffreys Partnership Training for Horse & Rider January News

“We don’t break horses, we teach horses and riders to make breakthroughs”

Ok, we thought we’d get away from the bone-chilling weather in New York when we traveled down to Perry, GA earlier this month, where Bob headlined in the Georgia Horse Fair. On the 1st day, we were in heaven – 72 degrees! We even called home to gloat! Then it became very chilly, but despite the frosty temperature the fair was a giant success. Many thanks to the Georgia Horse Council for inviting us down and being such gracious hosts. The response from the audience was quite enthusiastic – looks like we’ll be returning to hold some clinics this June and September. We’re looking forward to the southern warmth and hospitality.

For those of you in the Northeast, please visit us this weekend at the Northeast Horseman’s Conference & Trade Show, where Bob is a headlining speaker. He’ll give four interactive lectures where the audience is invited to ask questions and get advice. Be sure to visit our booth, where you can chat with Bob, Suzanne and Janine and see Bob’s newly released video, Breakthrough Horsemanship! February 1 & 2 at the Holiday Inn in Boxborough, MA. See the schedule at

Want to learn more, but not able to travel to an expo or a clinic? Visit our website, , where you can order the Breakthrough Horsemanship video, and his book, Partnership Points online. Or call the office at (845) 692-7478 and we will send them right out. Sit back and enjoy!

New developments – interested in therapeutic riding? Be sure to join us at the Horse & Healing Conference in Temple, New Hampshire, February 20-22. This event is endorsed by The Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association of NARHA. Bob will demonstrate on Friday and Saturday. Visit for info!

Thanks to all the young horse lovers out there who submitted entries for our essay contest! The winning essay will be announced on March 1. Our panel of 5 judges will certainly have a challenging time as they choose the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners! First prize – a full scholarship to Bob’s 2003 Trainer Education Program, Level 1. Good luck to all contestants!

Trainer Education Program

If your dream is to spend your days with horses, our Trainer Education Program is an affordable opportunity to learn the best techniques in 6 weeks! Bob and his Clinic Partner, Suzanne Sheppard, personally instruct each and every student! Our smaller class sizes allow us to teach more in less time and for less money than any other comparable program.

Compare for yourself:

John Lyons’ certification program – 12 weeks - $18,000 + !!!
Pat Parelli’s certification program 6-10 weeks - $20,000 + !!!
Bob Jeffreys’ Trainer Education Program – 6 weeks - $6,000 !!!

Our spectrum of knowledge, years of experience, low cost and convenience make it easy for you to succeed! We guarantee it!

Yes …. You Are A Horse Trainer

By Bob Jeffreys

Sometimes in my clinics, I’ll ask the audience, “How many of you are horse trainers?” Usually only one or two hands will go up. When I then ask, “How many ride, feed, groom or otherwise handle horses?” almost all hands are raised. Then I’ll say that everyone who raised their hands either time, are actually “horse trainers”.

Horses, you see, are learning all the time. So whenever we’re around them our actions are teaching them something; sometimes good, sometimes not so good! We must recognize this fact and not let outside influences distract us from the task at hand. We spend many hours teaching our horses to give to the bit; not to pull on the lead rope when tied; to move away from pressure, et. All these things are taught consciously. But when we are talking to a friend while holding our horse sometimes we move our hand so that we accidentally take the slack out of the rope. Before our horse yields to that “request”, we move our hand back to its original position, which returns the slack to the lead rope. What we’ve just subconsciously done is taught our horse that sometimes our requests don’t really count. The same situation would apply when we’re holding the reins either on the horse’s back or on the ground.

However, there are other less obvious things that we do that could also affect our horse in a negative way. Let’s say our horse is in the back corner of his stall as we put grain in the feed bucket; he sees us and starts to walk toward the bucket to eat. As he approaches, we leave the stall. Seems innocent enough, but from the horse’s point of view, he has just chased us away from that feed bucket; he’ll, therefore, assume he is higher in the pecking order than we are, and start to take the proactive or leadership role in other things. He may even start to pin his ears at feeding time and get more aggressive. Then we unwittingly confirm his thoughts by walking away as he approaches! So take a minute to either bring his feed directly to him or ask him to come toward the bucket nicely; give him a quick rub on the neck to let him know it’s OK to eat and then leave. Don’t push the issue by over petting or becoming a nuisance (after all, he lives to eat). This way you’ve reestablished your role as leader by determining when he may eat without being annoying. Furthermore, when we walk into our horse’s stall, he should be aware that we are there and turn and face us if we ask him to. If our horse turns his hind end to us and we ignore this, we are again “teaching” him bad manners are sometimes acceptable.

The point is that we must be consistent in our dealings with our horse; once we take the slack out of the rein or lead rope, whether on purpose or accidentally, we are committed to hold until the horse yields, and then release. If we’ve established our role as leader (higher in the pecking order), we cannot let doubt creep into his mind by giving him the opportunity to “chase us off” the feed and challenge our authority. Remember – be consistent and thoughtful as you train your horse!

© Bob Jeffreys

2003 Schedule

January 11 & 12 - Georgia Horse Fair Expo 2003 – Perry, GA
February 1 & 2 - The Northeast Horsemen’s Conference & Trade Show 2003 Holiday Inn – Boxborough Woods- MA
February 20-22 – Horses and Healing Conference – Hosted by Horse Power & Endorsed by NARHA - Temple, NH
March 21-23 – Foundation Clinic Level 1- Cambridge Springs, PA. Contact Tiffanie Haemer at (814) 398-4887
March 29 & 30 - Horses 2003 Expo – New Jersey
April 5-6 – EquiFest 2003: Kingston, NY -
April 25-27 – Foundation Clinic Level 1 - Valley Crest Farm, Wappinger Falls, NY.Lisa Winkler at (914) 736-0714
May 2-4 – Foundation Clinic Level 1 – Islandia, NY -Contact Kelly Bandalos (631) 348 – 1948
May 9 - Bob Jeffreys & Suzanne Sheppard Host Susan Harris - Visible Horse Demo/Partnership Show
May 10 & 12 - Open Centered Riding® Clinic - Red Gate Farm, Bloomingburg, NY
May 16-18 – Foundation Clinic Level 1 – Worthington, MA – Kathrin Woodlyn Bateman (413) 238-4291
May 23-25 - Foundation Clinic – Level 1 - Red Gate Farm, Bloomingburg, NY
May 26-30 - Horsemanship Breakthrough Week - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
June 6-8 – Foundation Clinic Level 1 - Brandon, Vermont – Contact Suzanne Hegarty at (802) 247-6112
July 7-11 & 14-18 - Trainer Education Program Level 1 - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
July 19-22 –Extended Foundation Clinic - Red Gate Farm – Bloomingburg, NY
July 25, 26 & 27 -Foundation Clinic – Level 2 - Red Gate Farm, Bloomingburg, NY
August 18-22 & 25-29-Trainer Education Program –Level 2 - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
September 22-26-Horsemanship Breakthrough Week - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
September 26-28-Exclusively Icelandic Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – Bloomingburg, NY
October 18 & 19-Advanced Clinic - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
October 13-17 & 20-24-Trainer Education Program - Level 3 - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
November 10-14-Round Pen Week -Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
November 14-16-Exclusively Icelandic Foundation Level 2 Clinic – Bloomingburg, NY


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