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Irish Rider Moves Up 39 Places In FEI/BCM World Dressage Rankings

Following her victory in the Grand Prix Kur at the Milan CDI*** last month Irish International dressage rider Anna Merveldt-Steffens from Ballymore Eustace, Co Kildare has moved up 39 places in the latest FEI/BCM World Dressage Rankings. The Munich based Merveldt-Steffens has moved up from 99th to 60th place on 67.063 ranking points. Reigning World Cup and European Champion Ulla Salzgeber from Germany leads the FEI/BCM World Dressage Rankings with 79.856 points ahead of fellow countrywoman and reigning World Champion Nadine Capellmann on 78.750 points. American rider Lisa Wilcox slots into third place in the rankings on 78.623 points. The leading British rider is Richard Davison in 32nd place on 70.156 points.


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