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horse Volvo Drives into Official Vehicle Spot at 2003 HITS Ocala Winter Circuit

SAUGERTIES, NY (January 17, 2003)--Horse Shows In The Sun (HITS) is proud to welcome Volvo as the official vehicle of the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit. In addition to being the official vehicle, Volvo is also the title sponsor of the $100,000 Volvo Grand Prix scheduled for Sunday, March 9, 2003. Outdoor Life Network will provide television coverage of this prestigious event, allowing those who cannot attend the chance to share in the excitement.

"We are delighted that Volvo has assumed the title sponsorship of our featured Grand Prix event," said Tom Struzzieri, owner and president of HITS. "The company has a long tradition of being at the forefront of sponsorship in the equestrian field and we are proud to add Volvo to our list of sponsors."

Volvo will not only treat show goers to an exciting Grand Prix competition, the local dealership of Taylor Volvo will also allow Volvo enthusiasts the opportunity to test drive the award-winning XC90. The Volvo XC90 is an upscale SUV that has received the motor industry's stamp of approval for its design, performance, and safety. The XC90 was recently awarded the coveted title of North American Truck of the Year. A range of Volvo vehicles will be on display for the duration of the circuit, with two vehicles forming an integral part of one of the toughest jumps in the Grand Prix ring.

"HITS Ocala is a prestigious event on the winter calendar here in Florida and Taylor Volvo is delighted to be involved as a sponsor," said Barry Clark, General Manager, Taylor Volvo. "We are looking forward to participating at HITS Ocala, and we hope that spectators will enjoy some exciting horse power both in the ring and on display at our onsite showroom. We will be offering the Volvo Preferred Program for existing Volvo owners and we will also have a selection of pre-owned trucks on display."

HITS is the largest producer of hunter/jumper horse shows in the U.S., operating five show grounds nationwide-the Indio Desert Circuit in California; Ocala Winter Circuit in Florida; Arizona Winter Circuit in Tucson; HITS Culpeper in Virginia; and HITS Catskills in New York. In the fall of 2003, HITS will introduce the New Marshall & Sterling League National Indoor Finals to be held at Worcester's Centrum Centre, Worcester, Massachusetts.



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