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National Disability Sports Alliance Announces International, Advanced, and Developing Rider Lists

Kingston, RI—January 22, 2003— The National Disability Sports Alliance (NDSA) has announced its 2003 Advanced International, Advanced National and Developing Rider Lists for equestrian competition.

Placement on the 2003 NDSA Advanced Riders International List qualifies a rider for participation in the 2003 NDSA Championship, to be considered for the team for the 2003 World Championship, as well as other major international competitions, and NDSA sponsored training opportunities. Athletes are eligible to receive the highest level of NDSA scholarship funding (as available) to support their competition and training efforts at specific NDSA sanctioned and sponsored events.

The following riders have been named to the 2003 NDSA Advanced Riders International List:



Name Grade Overall W/I Grade Qualifying Score
Barbara Grassmyer III 1st 1st 69.28
Robin Brueckmann IV 2nd 1st 69.19
Kathryn Groves IV 3rd 2nd 68.88
?Rebecca Hart III 4th 2nd 65.82
Lynn Seidemann I 5th 1st 65.65
Darlene Wirth II 6th 1st 65.02
Kebbie Cannon IV 7th 3rd 64.71
?Christopher Lipe IV 8th 4th 64.33
?Denotes Young Rider

Placement on the 2003 NDSA Advanced Riders National List qualifies a rider for consideration to the 2003 NDSA Championship, friendly level international competitions and NDSA sponsored training opportunities. Athletes are eligible to receive some NDSA scholarship funding (as available) to support their competition and training efforts at specific NDSA sanctioned and sponsored events.

The following riders have been named to the 2003 NDSA Advanced Riders List:


Name Grade Qualifying Score
Hope Hand I 66.85
?Keith Newerla I 66.55
Kathy Whelan II 65.27
Margo O’Callaghan II 64.49
Elaine Donoghue III 63.74
?Erin Waddell IV 62.00
Cynthia Ruiz II 60.00

?Denotes Young Rider

Placement on the 2003 NDSA Developing Rider List qualifies a rider to participate in NDSA sponsored training opportunities and national level sanctioned and sponsored competition. These riders have shown sufficient evidence that they are qualified to be considered as potential national or international level riders.

The following riders have been named to the 2003 NDSA Developing Riders List:


Name Grade
Lori Miller III

Sam Madden III

NDSA is the national governing body for equestrian sport for riders with disabilities. The non-profit organization is responsible for the development and selection of riders for national championships and international competitions, including World Championships and the Paralympic Games, and provides training, competition and advocacy for riders of all levels with physical disabilities. For more information about NDSA and opportunities to support the programs, please visit our website at or contact Denise Avolio at (914) 949-8166 or


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