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FEI Dressage World Cup at San Patrignano

The 2003 equestrian competition season will open in the light of international dressage, with the Italian stop of the FEI World Cup, which will take place in San Patrignano from Saturday 25th to Sunday 26th January 2003.
For two days, the indoor arena of the community will host the competition among 28 riders representing 11 Nations: Austria, Belgium, Germany, UK, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Russia. Among them, the best performers of the speciality, such as the German Isabelle Werth, twice world champion and Olympic gold in Atlanta '96, and her compatriots Gina Capellmann and Monica Theodorescu, respectively ranked in third and seventh place in the FEI World Cup 2002/2003 standings. Many other top class riders are expected, such as the Swiss Daniel Ramseier, 5th in the cup ranking, the British Richard Davidson, 6th and the Russian lady rider Alexandra Korelova, currently second classified in the Central European League. At the starting line, the Italian participation is also foreseen, represented by the top speciality riders: James Connor and Stefano Blasi.

"We have all the requirements to repeat the success of the last year - says Giacomo Muccioli, responsible of San Patrignano´s sports events. In May 2003 San Patrignano will celebrate its 25th anniversary and the high level event represented by the World Cup will open a very significant year for our community. But most important is for us to notice that dressage has obtained the same positive results of the jumping shows. The FEI Dressage World Cup represents the first stage of a path taking a community for the rehabilitation of drug addicts to host the 2005 European Jumping Championships: an unprecedented event in the history of sports".
In the two-days-long event, which will assign a 43.000€ prize, two competitions will take place each day, starting at 9.30 and 14.30. The final competition, the "Free Style Grand Prix" (Kur test with music), taking place in the early afternoon of Sunday and showing different exercises and coreography for each of the riders participating, will see the participation of the top 12 combinations out of Saturday´s selection (Grand Prix).
It will be them to compete for the qualification to the 2002/2003 FEI Dressage World Cup, at four competitions to the final that will take place at the end of March in Gotheborg (Sweden).

The World Cup at San Patrignano will be followed by Rai Sport Satellite and broadcasted on Thursday 28 January (7.40 pm). The recording of the Free Style Gran Prix will be broadcasted on Thursday 30 January.

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