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John Anderson Edges McLain Ward To Win AmeriChoice NAL Speed Challenge
At Winter Equestrian Festival

Wellington, FL – January 24, 2003 –Canadian Equestrian Team veteran John Anderson of Calgary, Alberta edged McLain Ward of Brewster, NY by three tenths of a second to win the $5,000 AmeriChoice NAL Speed Challenge Friday at the 2003 Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF).

Friday’s featured attraction at the Nutrena/Western Hay Wellington Classic, the opening horse show of this year’s WEF, saw Anderson take an early lead. The 13th of 69 to try the one-round course at Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club, he finished in 61.123 seconds on Nesbitt Burns Dunvegan.

Anderson’s lead held up for the rest of the day with the closest challenge coming from Ward, the 2002 NAL Open Speed Champion. Ward rode Sporting United to a time of 61.463 seconds to narrowly miss the win. Finishing third was Laura Chapot of Neshanic Station, NJ with a time of 61.658 seconds on Little Big Man.

The North American League (NAL) runs season long series in six hunter jumper divisions - Children's Hunter, Children's Jumper, Adult Hunter, Adult Jumper, Pony Jumper and Open Jumper Speed. Each series culminates with a championship final at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show in Harrisburg, PA in October. Riders need not be members of the NAL to compete in any qualifying classes, but only current members earn points toward year-end finals. For more information and a list of qualifying competitions for 2003, please see the Ryegate Show Services website at

Tickets to the Winter Equestrian Festival are available by phone at 793-JUMP or at the gate. Admission is free on Wednesdays. Children 12 & under are free all days. Senior admission is $5 every day. Adult admission is $5 on Thursday and Friday, $10 on Saturday, and $15 on Sunday. Parking is free.

Final results of all WEF classes are posted at


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