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Glades Central High School Marching Band:
The Official Band of The 2003 Winter Equestrian Festival

Wellington, Florida -- January 31, 2003 -- On Sundays, around 2pm, many Wellington residents have recently been wondering: where are those melodic sounds of rock, roll and swing coming from? The Answer: The Glades Central High School Marching Band, performing before hundreds of spectators attending The 2003 Winter Equestrian Festival’s weekly Grand Prix, taking place in the International Arena of The Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club. The Festival, the most prestigious horseshow in the U. S., finds the top riders and horses in the world competing in the premier equestrian venue.

The Glades Central High School Band is THE Official Band of The Festival, designated as such by Eugene R. Mische and Stadium Jumping, Inc. during The 119th National Horse Show In November, 2002. While the Band has performed for spectators before the Sunday Grand Prixs for about three years, this is the first year that they have been named THE Official Band, a moniker not previously held by any other band in The Festival’s 31 years. Mr. Mische and Stadium Jumping recently donated $5,000 to The Band for the purchase of a new tuba.

The Band is comprised of about 75 students, grades 9 to 12 (ages 14-17), from Glades Central High School in Belle Glade, Florida. Belle Glade is a rural, farming area, just west of Wellington. Without donations and fundraising, The Band would not have the wherewithall to exist. Palm Beach County subsidizes most Band instruments, while others are donated. Costumes, non-subsidized instruments, transportation and amenities are provided through donations and fund-raising activities.

This spring, The Band is looking forward to competing at The National Band Competition in Atlanta, Georgia. The Band’s participation will be wholly-dependent upon donations.

For further information, please contact Willie Pyfrom, Band Director, at (561) 993-4400, or Steve Prescott at (561) 793-5867.


Winter Equestrian Festival Dates:

(Each week runs Wednesday through Sunday beginning at 8:00 AM)

Bayer Gold Coast Classic - January 29 - February 2
Wellington Dressage – January 30 – February 2
Kilkenny/ICH Internationale – February 5 – 9
Florida Classic/WCHR Spectacular – February 12 – 16
Florida Dressage Classic –February 13 - 16
Zada Enterprises, LLC Wellington Masters – February 19 – 23
Tommy Bahama Palm Beach Open – February 26 – March 2
Cosequin Wellington Finale – March 5 – 9
Zada Enterprises, LLC WEF Dressage Classic – March 13 – 16

Tickets to the Winter Equestrian Festival are available by phone at 793-JUMP or at the gate. Admission is free on Wednesdays. Children 12 & under are free all days. Senior admission is $5 every day. Adult admission is $5 on Thursday and Friday, $10 on Saturday, and $15 on Sunday. Parking is free.


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