Dates and Deadlines for 2004
February 1 - Editorial deadline, AH Magazine, Apr/May
February 2 - Box and reserve seats go on sale for U.S. Nationals
February 2-8 - Equine Canada Convention, Richmond, BC
February 15 - Sweepstakes Breeding & Nominated Sire Entries
postmarked or electronically submitted with $100 late fee per horse.
February 16 - Ad deadline, AH Magazine, Apr/May
February 16 - Ad deadline, U.S. Nationals Prize List
February 16 - Ad deadline, Sport Horse Nationals Prize List
February 27-28 – AHA Board of Directors meeting, Aurora, CO
March 4 – Judges National/ Regional Interviews, Embassy Suites
Downtown, Denver, CO
March 5-6 - Judges Seminar, Embassy Suites Downtown, Denver, CO
March 19-21 - Sport Horse show Commission meeting, Rancho Murieta,
March 31 - Halter Futurities (re-nominations only) due with $100
late fee per horse per country
April 1 - Editorial deadline, AH Magazine, June/July
April 15 - Ad deadline, AH Magazine, June/July
April 22-24 – Judges/Exhibitor Spring School, Best Western
Plaza Hotel, Puyallup, WA
May 1 - Regional Youth Team Tournament entries due
June 1 – First payment due for Performance Futurity Nominations
June 1 - AHYA Convention delegates eligibility deadline
June 1 - AHYA Creative Contest entries due
June 1 - Club nominations for Board-elected positions at AHA Convention
June 1 – General admission seating goes on sale for U.S. Nationals
June 1 - Editorial deadline, AH Magazine, Aug/Sept
June 5 - Ad deadline Youth Nationals Show Program
June 11 - Youth Nationals entries due
June 15 - Ad deadline, AH Magazine, Aug/Sept
June 25 - AHYA Convention delegate/alternate forms and candidate
applications due at AHA
June 30 - Final club membership count of delegates and alternates
to annual Convention due
July 1 – Second payment due for Performance Futurity Nominations
July 2 - Youth Nationals final deadline with post-entry penalty
July 3 - Ad deadline for Canadian Nationals Show Program
July 12 - Canadian Nationals entries due
July 23 - AHYA Board of Directors Meeting, Albuquerque, NM
July 24 - AHYA Convention, Albuquerque, NM
July 25-31 - Youth Nationals, Albuquerque, NM
July 28 - Canadian Nationals final deadline with post entry penalty
July 30 –August 2 – National Endurance Ride 50/100 Mile
Championship, Glenboro, MB, Canada
August 1 – Third and final payment due for Performance Futurity
August 1 - Editorial deadline, AH Magazine, Oct/Nov
August 4 - Sport Horse Nationals entry deadline
August 6 - Ad deadline for Sport Horse Nationals Show Program
August 12 - U.S. Nationals entries due
August 13-14 - Board of Directors meeting, Aurora, CO
August 15 - Ad deadline, AH Magazine, Oct/Nov
August 15 - Pfizer Club Excellence Awards, awarded at AHA Convention,
entries due
August 18 - Convention resolutions submission deadline
August 23-28 - Canadian Nationals, Regina, Saskatchewan
August 31 - Regional Volunteer Service Award nominations due to
Regional Director
September 1 - List of certified convention delegates and alternates
for AHA Convention due from affiliate clubs
September 1 - Deadline for submission of nominations for the Special
Recognition Award for Arabian, Half-Arabian or Anglo-Arabian horses
September 2 - Ad deadline, U.S. Nationals show program
September 3 - Election of Directors for even-numbered regions must
be complete
September 9 - U.S. Nationals late entry deadline for horses qualifying
at a Labor Day show
September 15 - Club level Volunteer Service Award nominations due
from affiliate clubs
September 15-19 - Sport Horse Nationals, Rancho Murieta, CA
September 17- Early bird registration discount for AHA Convention
September 22 - Arabian Horse Youth Judging Contest, U.S. Nationals,
entry deadline
September 30 - List of mares bred in current year by Nominated Sire
due in order for sire to receive Nominated Sire five percent payback
in following year
October 1 - Nominations for AHA Convention-elected positions deadline
(candidates & resume)
October 1 - Sub-committee request form due to AHA via fax, website
or mail from any AHA member wishing to be published in the AHA Handbook
and be eligible to serve as a committee chair
October 1 - Youth of the Year nomination due
October 1 - Editorial deadline, AH Magazine, Dec/Jan
October 2 - Resolutions mailed to registered convention attendees
October 7-16 - U.S. Nationals, Louisville, KY
October 11 - Hotel Reservation Deadline, discount rate for AHA Convention,
Anchorage, AK
October 8-9 – National Competitive Trail Ride Championship,
Scioto Trails System, Chillicothe, OH
October 15 - National Volunteer Service Award nominations, awarded
at AHA Convention, due from regions to Executive Committee
October 15 - Arabian Horse Youth Judging Contest, U.S. Nationals,
Louisville, KY
October 20 - Ad deadline, AH Magazine, Dec/Jan
October 27 - Extraordinary Resolutions submission deadline for AHA
October 31 - Recommended date for 2005 membership renewal
October 31 - Regional level Volunteer Service Award winners, presented
at AHA Convention, due
November 16 - Board of Directors meeting, Anchorage, AK
November 16-21 - AHA Annual Convention, Anchorage, AK
November 19 - Regional subcommittee chairs for national ballots
due from regional directors
November 20 - Application deadline, dates for regional shows
November 21 - Show Secretary School, Anchorage, AK
November 30 – Regional Youth Team Tournament points/results
December 1 - Editorial deadline, AH Magazine, Feb/Mar
December 15 - Ad deadline, AH Magazine, Feb/Mar
December 15 - Regional Youth Team Tournament results due to AHA
December 22 - Ad deadline, Youth Nationals Prize List
December 22 - Ad deadline, Canadian Nationals Prize List
December 31 - Breeders Sweepstakes Breeding Entries, Nominated Sires
and Mares entry deadline
December 31 - Halter Futurities for new and re-nominated horses
entry deadline
December 31 - Last date to postmark a renewed membership without
being assessed a $10 late fee
is a 40,000 member equine association that registers and maintains
a database of more then one million Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian
horses. It administers more than $4 million in annual prize money,
produces national events, maintains official event records, recognizes
more than 400 Arabian horse shows and distance rides and provides
activities and programs that promote breeding and ownership. For
information about Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horses,
call 303-696-4500, e-mail info@ArabianHorses.org or visit www.ArabianHorses.org.