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horse HITS Welcomes Cox Communications as the Official Cable Provider for the 2004 Ocala Winter Circuit

SAUGERTIES, NY (January 21, 2004)—Horse Shows In The Sun (HITS) is pleased to welcome Cox Communications (Cox) to its stable of sponsors for the 2004 HITS Ocala Winter Circuit. Cox is the fourth largest cable television provider in the nation and serves more than 96,000 customers in the Ocala and Gainesville communities. The company employs over 200 individuals in the two communities, delivering a significant impact to the local economy.

We are proud to name Cox Communications as the Official Cable Provider for the Ocala Winter Circuit, as well as the presenting sponsor of Kids Day on Sunday, February 29," said Tom Struzzieri, President and Owner of HITS. Cox is a leader in their field and a strong supporter of the North Central Florida community. We could not have found a more suitable sponsor for our annual Kids Day. With Cox Communication's support, Kids Day will no doubt prove to be the highlight of the extra activities provided for our spectator audience.

Cox has received many awards of distinction over the years for their involvement in the North Central Florida community. Every year Cox is proud to award a scholarship to a graduating senior in Marion County. The scholarships help the students fund expenses they encounter as they begin their post secondary education. To be eligible for the scholarship, the students must have an excellent scholastic record, a demonstrated need for the assistance and be entering a telecommunications curriculum. All graduating seniors who meet the criteria are invited to apply.

Cox Communications is a founding member of Cable in the Classroom, a complimentary cable service to all public schools in the Cox service area. Dozens of cable programs provide educational content, which supports various K-12 curriculums. Additionally, Cox provides high speed Internet service to the Boys and Girls Club of Alachua and Marion Counties. The Boys and Girls Clubs have become access points for community computer training used by children and adults.

Cox is involved with many other aspects of the Ocala Community including the Ocala Christmas Parade, Festival of Trees, United Way of Marion County, Take Stock in Children, Leadership Ocala/Marion Youth, and the Ocala Chamber Annual Dinner and Meeting of Membership.

For more information on Cox Communications, please visit or call 1-888-COX-WOW E! (1-888-269-9693).

HITS is the largest producer of hunter/jumper horse shows in the U.S., operating five show grounds nationwidethe Ocala Winter Circuit in Florida; Indio Desert Circuit in California; Arizona Winter Circuit in Tucson; HITS Culpeper in Virginia; and the newest addition, HITS On The Hudson, which will premiere in May of this year. In the fall, HITS will present the second annual Marshall & Sterling League National Indoor Finals to be held at Worcester's Centrum Centre, Worcester, Massachusetts. For further information, please visit


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