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horse Selection KWPN Select Sale known

After three successful editions, the KWPN Select Sale has earned a fixed place in the programme of the KWPN stallion approvals in Den Bosch. On Saturday 7 February 23 stallions will come under auctioneer Hans Sinnige's hammer. The group of three-year-old stallions that have been selected for the auction are extremely interesting for both sport and breeding. The selection committee of the KWPN Select Sale is extremely satisfied with the quality of the stallions that, after the first viewing, were up for offer at
the selection days. All horses have been chosen for breeding, type, movement and free jumping. Above all, the horses have undergone X-rays and veterinary clinical examinations.

heartbreaker x capitol.

All the stallions are presented in the catalogue, which will come out in the first week of January. Images of each stallion have been recorded and can be seen on the presentation DVD. The quality in general is excellent and there are a number of outstanding examples: one of the horses that was very much admired at the first viewing in Ermelo is U2. This son of Sunny Boy out of Fastrona 'keur preferent' (sire Aktion) is owned by Gerrit en Leontien ter Hamsel of Enter. UB40 too (Olivi x Michelangelo) of family Van Os has made a big impression at Ermelo and at the selection days of the auction at Roosendaal.

olivi x michelangelo

One of the eye-catchers among the show jumping horses is Up to Date (sire Stakkato). With his carefulness and unlimited power this chestnut stallion can look forward to a career as an international show jumper. Up to Date is owned by Jan Evers of Vlierden and Egbert Schep of Tull en 't Waal. Heartbreaker has two offspring in the auction: Wil Schellekens's USA Today (dam's sire Capitol I) and Unique le Sursaut (dam's sire Oula Owl xx) of Stal le Sursaut of Heerle. Unique le Sursaut is a full brother of the
licensed stallion Sibon W who in 2002 was sold at the KWPN Select Sale. The successful combination of the 'preferent' stallions Voltaire and Nimmerdor bring to this auction Umberto,extremely complete show jumper. This combination previously supplied the international show jumpers Kannan and Gyltaire.

As already mentioned, the auction will take place on Saturday 7 February in the Brabanthallen in Den Bosch as the conclusion to the KWPN Stallion Approvals. In the three days prior to the auction, all information concerning the stallions is available at the KSS sales room. What is more, as an extension to the auction, the KSS VHO Sale has been organized. In the sales hall next to the KSS sales room, there will be about 30 three-year-old stallions for sale that can be presented by the KSS sales team for those
interested. Buyers in both the KWPN Select Sale and the KSS VHO Sale can insure their purchase immediately with Amev Hippo Paardenverzekering.

From the beginning of January, all auction horses with their descriptions and photos can be viewed on For more information or for the ordering of the catalogue and DVD, please contact EQ International, telephone 0031(0)20-4655446, fax 0031(0)20-4651640, e-mail selectsale@kwpn.


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