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EQUITANA 2001: Information, practical demonstrations, prizes

FN programme provides everything you could wish for

Practical demonstrations with reputable trainers, non-stop information, competitions with prizes, children’s grooming competition, introduction courses on different themes – the programme presented by FN (Fèdèration Equestre Nationale), which is the national association of German riders and the traditional partner of EQUITANA, will meet your every wish at the world fair of equestrian sport in March. Together with the FN publishers, DKThR (German Curators for Therapeutic Riding) and the DOKR (German Olympics Committee for Riding), FN will present itself at stand B07 in hall 10/11

Information will feature highly at FN of course. A host of employees will answer questions on horses and equestrian sport, training, youth work, popular sports and championship sport, the FN areas of breeding and personal members, on FN itself, the much-questioned theme of insurance and of course all the issues which associations and equine enterprises urgently wish to know about. Three PCs will also be available at the stand to answer questions on tournament successes. Two other terminals will show fair visitors what FN has to offer on the Internet.

The small ring in hall 10/11 is the showplace for the attractive programme set up by FN and FN publishers. Three theme blocks are presented here each day: ”Classic Riding Instruction – for harmony between man and horse”, ”Basic Pass & Co” - FN training courses” and ”Riding through Fields and Woods”. The upcoming generation can shine again in the popular mane grooming competition. Totally new in the FN programme are the specialist introduction courses on different themes. Authors of some of FN’s own specialist books will give five to ten selected fair visitors an insight for example into work with the double lunge, in lunging itself or in the physiotherapy – not just theoretical but also practical.

In the large ring in hall 6, FN will present classic horse sports. The highpoints here are sure to be the presentations by the German Equine Academy. Accordingly on Monday, 5th March, the training day, riding star Jo Hinnemann explains ”The significance of the training scale”; Riding master Karl-Heinz Giebmanns clarifies the rider’s influence on the horse’s ability to jump well. On Friday, 9th March, the children’s and teenagers’ day, the FN along with world champions in vaulting exercises on horseback, the national pony trainer Conny Endres (dressage), and Fritz Lutter (diversity) show the possibilities of equestrian sports for all age categories of the upcoming generation. On the second day of the fair the members of the DKThR (German Curators for Therapeutic Riding) with the participants of the Paralympic Games in Sydney and the carriage world championship in Wolfsburg show what disabled people are capable of in equestrian sports. On the morning of the last day of the fair the large ring belongs to the six best teams from the third test series for riding school horse riders to hold their VW Multivan Cup Final in Essen.

What else is there at FN? A competition for prizes at the FN stand is to familiarise all ”equestrian sports customers” with the new FN marking system for associations and enterprises. Under the motto ”test your equine knowledge” the FN together with the veterinary surgeon Dr Helmut Ende will advertise the certificate of equine knowledge, a new training facility offered by FN. There are tours every day in hall 1, which includes the Dr Ende’s veterinarian show, the hoof village and the EQUITANA show stable presented by Cavallo, to enable visitors to the fair to acquire information on keeping horses, horse shoeing, veterinary medicine and feeding. A small test will then show how much has been learned in the tour around the fair. It’s worth the effort too because there are attractive prizes for the participants:

Information: FN Press Office, Adelheid Borchardt, Tel. 02581-63 62 1920

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