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horse The unbeatable advantages of synthetic harness.

An Australian innovator in harness and saddlery, Zilco has changed the way we kit out our horses in the carriage driving, harness racing, flat racing and endurance riding fields.

The Australian climate can be extreme and harsh. Racing and riding are an essential part of Australian culture. And so for more than forty years, Zilco has been combining the latest materials technology and traditional harness-making expertise to produce a replacement material that is much stronger, more durable and lightweight than leather.

³Leather wears out, but synthetic gear lasts a lot longer and looks as good as the day you bought it, whether it was three months or three years ago.²

All harness products are made from Zilco¹s unique SFL sythentic material, which is manufactured from woven polyester webbing coated with a high-tech co-polymer. The result is a super-lightweight material that looks surprisingly similar to leather. It is also resistant to tears and cracks and maintains its flexibility over a wide temperature range, which makes it more comfortable for both horse and rider.

³We do thousands of miles competitively each year and we¹re still using the same Zilco gear we did three to four years ago.²


In addition, Zilco synthetic material combines maximum strength with low maintenance. ³Another major plus is it¹s easier to clean as it only takes a wipe S Sand and grit is easy to clean off, as opposed to cleaning and oiling leather.² As renowned British competitor George Bowman says, ³Not only is it half the weight, being easy to clean it is also half the work.²

Whatever your harness needs, Zilco can provide you with more style, strength, comfort and convenience than other synthetic or conventional materials.


For more information on the complete Zilco range, please contact: Zilco Europe Ltd., PO Box 385, Beckley, Oxford, OX3 9WD, UK. Tel (44) (0) 1865 351128, Fax: (44) (0) 1865 351625,, or visit


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