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Training Online

If you are a horseman involved with a breeding operation, finding a few free minutes can be hard at this time of the year.
But Leslie Mongeur of DeLand, Florida is finding the time to attend school at Allegany College of Maryland. She's taking the online course, Training Performance Horses.

"Being able to learn at my own pace was the key attraction when I first read about the course," Mongeur said. "I knew the season was coming and I wouldn't be able to take all the lessons on a regimented schedule. But as soon as the horses settle do for the evening, and I have the time, I'll turn on the computer and I won't have missed a thing."

In addition to caring for nine horses, primarily Paso Finos, and running a pet grooming shop, Mongeur is just as busy as most horse owners. Time is precious. That's why nationally-know author and trainer Don Blazer designed the internet course, Training Performance Horses. Now students can get lessons whenever they can find some free time. There is no time limit for completing the course, but when it is finished students receive a Certificate of Recognition.

There are nine lessons in the course which begins before the first saddle and teaches the training techniques necessary to perform all basic exercises up to the flying change of leads. The student receives a lesson link by e-mail, studies the material, and then submits quiz questions and a narrative report. Blazer grades the quiz and comments on the narrative, then sends the student the next lesson link.

Students can e-mail Blazer at any time with a specific question or training problem.

There are four colleges to choose from: Allegany at (301) 784-5341, or Scottsdale Community College at (480) 423-6305, or Paradise Valley Community College at (602) 787-6800, or New Mexico State University at (505) 287-6670.

A sample of one of the lessons and quiz questions can be seen at



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