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HorseIT reaps award at BETA for Online Directory

Horse IT Ltd, the equestrian internet company was highly commended for its online equestrian directory available on as well as through the internet portal at the recent BETA new product awards at BETA International.

'it is very exciting to have our online directory receive an award as it recognises the impact that the internet is now having on our industry.' said Jane Skepper MD of HorseIT Ltd.

We have refined the online directory recently to provide a really thorough search facility and to make it very simple, easy and most importantly quick to use.

The main advantage of an online equestrian directory compared to a printed one is that we can update information in seconds resulting in the user always being able to receive up to date details. For many companies now having a website to promote their services this is the quickest way of getting it found.

horse is being widely used as an equestrian search engine and this is the place for sole traders, businesses no matter how large or small to get listed so that they can be found on the internet.

Why not try out the award winning online equestrian directory,


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