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Laminitis Combat Pack

At this time of year, when the grass is starting to grow, all thoughts turn to laminitis and lush spring grass. Laminitis is caused by a digestive disturbance, which releases toxins, that in turn cause a reduction in blood supply to the foot and lead to inflammation and pain. In order to help with laminitis it is essential to support the liver, which is key to all digestive processes, to carry out its job of removing harmful substances from the blood.

Global Herbs have three products designed to help in the management of laminitic prone horses and ponies.

Laminitis Prone Supplement is a blend of 15 different herbs which helps the liver to work more effectively to mop up toxins and reduce acid levels in the blood. It also improves digestion of grass and other foodstuffs to prevent acids being created in too high levels. The liver is the chemical factory of the body and essential to well-being and general health. In the case of laminitis, this supplement ensures that any tendency towards acidosis in the bowels and body tissues is maintained within normal limits.

Horse owners have seen an improvement in their horse in as short a time as five days.

Immuplus is very effective if the laminitis has progressed to such a stage that a rotation of the pedal bone has occurred. Immuplus helps damaged tissues return to normal and is also antioxidant and important aid in strengthening the immune system of your horse.

Bute-X is a harmless, natural product that helps with circulation to problem areas and acts to soothe damaged laminae. It will help with sore feet and can be used at high levels in severe cases of laminitis where there is much discomfort.

All Global Herbs products are mixed under the veterinary eye of Stephen Ashdown MA, MSc BVetMed MRCVS, who has spent many years carrying out research on herbs and traditional animal health practices. It is the aim of Global Herbs to combine ancient wisdom with modern science. Laminitis Prone Supplement is available in 1 litre bottles at £27 each. Immuplus comes in powder form packed in a 1 kg tub at £16.00 each. Bute-X is a herbal powder and available in 200g pots at £16.50 or 1 kg tub at £59.00 All products are available by mail order and prices are exclusive of P & P. To find out more about this exciting Laminitis Combat Pack phone Global Herbs free veterinary advice line on 01243 773363.

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