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horse Irish Horse Board: proposed Umbrella Body for the Sport Horse sector

The directors of the Irish Horse Board at their meeting on the 13th February 2003 reaffirmed their support for the establishment of an Umbrella Body (Horse Sport Ireland) for the sport horse sector.

The Irish Horse Board participated actively in the Equestrian Federation of Ireland’s Strategic Group/Task Force, whose objective was to develop the process of establishing an appropriate Umbrella Body for the various organisations in the sector. Furthermore, the Irish Horse Board submitted a substantial document to the Strategic Group, outlining its proposals for the new body, and many of these proposals were adopted by the Strategic Group and were incorporated into the proposals that emanated from the Group.

The directors of the Irish Horse Board believe that the proposals contained in the Liam Connellan document of November 2001 entitled “Proposals on the establishment of Horse Sport Ireland- the new NGB for Equestrian Sport in Ireland” represent the best way forward for the sport horse sector. That document outlined a workable structure for the Council/Board and Executive of the proposed new body; the Irish Horse Board fully endorsed the strategy contained in the document and exhorted the EFI to present the document to the relevant Government Departments, with a view to attracting an increase in Government support for the sector.

The Irish Horse Board is currently participating fully in discussions with the organisations in the sector, and with the relevant Government Departments and Agencies that are involved, with a view to expediting the establishment of the new organisation.


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