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ILPH Bob the Cob's First Show

ILPH Bob the Cob lovers will have the opportunity to see him in action this weekend when he goes to a horse show for the first time.

Bob will be at Blackwater Farm, Gt. Witchingham (down the lane from the Wildlife Park), on Sunday, 23 February, where there is a dressage with jumping event. No, his jumping skills are not yet up to public scrutiny, but he will be having a go 'hors concours' (outside the competition - not competing) in one of the dressage classes.


Says Michelle Brunning his groom at the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) Hall Farm, Snetterton, "Bob's schooling has been progressing slowly but surely and we feel that it is now time for him to go to his first show.

"We aren't expecting a lot from him as it will all be new and exciting, we just want him to have the experience of mixing with horses in a competitive environment away from home."

Bob will be in the dressage arena in the morning some time between 8 am and 1 pm. When not being ridden his fans will be able to visit him in the horsebox park.

Those wanting to know more about ILPH Bob the Cob and his fan club can find details on the ILPH website at

At Michelle's 21st birthday party last week Bob tries to eat Michelle's cake (presented to her by Tony Tyler, Director of UK Ops).


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