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Series Of Equestrian TV Programs In Production

National Equestrian Communications (NEC), and Midwest Media Inc. (MMI), is producing a series of equestrian programs for the upcoming spring season. Comcast Cable Network, which reaches 4 million homes over 9 states in the South-East United States, will air the 30-minute programs. The shows will also be broadcast on America One Television via Horse TV.

The events to be covered include the Red Hills Horse Trials (CIC***-W) March 7-9, 2003, Tallahassee, Florida; the FEI World Children’s Competition Qualifier at the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club in Wellington, Florida, February 15-16, 2003, and the Foxhall Cup which features the United States Equestrian Team Spring Three Star Championship and USA Equestrian National Three Star Championship and takes place at Foxhall, Georgia from April 17-20, 2003.

Red Hills Horse Trials will host the first Eventing World Cup Qualifier of 2003. Among the competitors will be Olympic and World Championship riders who will also be competing in the Foxhall Cup. The Red Hills program is scheduled to be aired on March 20th for the first time and will be repeated through April.

Chris Stafford, Executive Producer, National Equestrian Communications, who has been involved in equestrian media for over 25 years, said, “This is an exciting opportunity to produce programs that will appeal to a wide public and give equestrian sport the kind of exposure that will highlight the skills and thrills of riding. We are absolutely delighted to be working with Midwest Media Inc. to produce these programs and look forward to establishing a schedule of regular equestrian programs.”

Patrick Osterman of Midwest Media is the Associate Producer and he brings extensive experience of covering sports events around the country. “We are delighted to be teaming up with NEC to bring our technical expertise to the productions and are committed to producing quality programs that will capture the imagination of the general public,” he commented.


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