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Willing Partners

You have audited Peter Campbell at international events like the Canadian Finals Rodeo or the Spruce Meadows Masters. Maybe you’ve heard him on the Horseman’s Radio Weekly with Jim Campbell. Read about him in select issues of the Western Horseman, Northern Horse Review or Trails Less Traveled.

It really doesn’t matter where you’ve seen or heard the name ~ it matters that you and your horse join Peter for a journey of classical horsemanship. Just because it’s called Horsemanship doesn’t mean it’s only western or english ~ remember this it’s a philosophy of why and how the horse operates.

Peter Campbell is an artist, a student of the horse, one of the very few clinicians today who has made his living a horseback. Incorporating his life experiences along with the heritage of the vaquero, Campbell is able to bring his students over 25 years of horse wisdom.

With a kinship for all animals, Peter is able to educate students on the most effective ways to work the horse to have a positive outcome.. He creates a "Willing Partner" through no more means than practical and essential values that create respect between horse and rider.

Riders of all disciplines have found that Peter’s philosophy is a great enhancement to their field of riding. With four day clinics that offer a chance for students to truly understand what is taking place with the horse, the rider has a better opportunity to build a better foundation. There are no special gadgets or games used, it is just an honest learning environment, that allows the student to work on themselves and their horses.

Whether you are a beginner or advanced rider, Peter is able to find your learning curve and excel you to the next level of working with your horse. With outstanding instruction, Campbell is able to refine your horsemanship skills and bring out the real horseman inside you! Personal and group attention gives you the best teaching skills of a private tutor inside a public classroom, this atmosphere exposes your horse t a new world of communication and partnership.

If you were to ask Peter of his teachings, he would tell you, "I am on a journey to free the horse of slavery. The horse is a partner, not a hostage. I want the horse to understand he can have his self-preservation and still respond to what we're asking him to do and that we're not going to hurt him. You direct and support the horse and you build on his pride. These are not my concepts, they date back to the beginning of time but they are often misused or misunderstood. If you can get the horse to understand what you are asking, be let down and have respect for each other, you can get a willingness -- a bond that can't be broken. It's like a dance, someone leads but it's just a suggestion, not a forceful deal. The horse will tell us what we need to do to work with him if we only learn to listen, understand and feel of the horse.

Join Peter, as he conducts over 35 clinics this year across Canada and the United States. Enjoy his outstanding teaching ability and see the unique bond he can build with a creature. Clinics consist of Colt Starting, Horsemanship, Cattle Working, Ranch Roping, Troubled Horses and Trailer Loading. Along, with the clinics use his "Willing Partners" Video Series to increase your communication with your horse. They are a great study aid that offers many different projects to work on!


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