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Eric Lamaze from Canada takes the $20,000 1.5 Meter Classic at the Winter Equestrian Festival

Wellington, FL – February 8, 2003 -- Riding Millcreek’s Rosalind, Eric Lamaze won the featured class today during the Kilkenny/ICH Internationale week of competition. Of 34 entries in the class, eleven horses made it to the jump-off. Eric was third to go in the jump-off and held onto his lead, while 8 horses tried to beat his time with a clean round. Only four horses had clean rounds in the jump-off and McLain Ward riding Couletto K James was second to last in the jump-off with a fast time that was only 8/100’s of a second behind Eric and Millcreek’s Rosalind. Edgar ridden by Joe Fargis was third. Cosequin’s C.E.O. with Debbie Stephens riding for Centennial Farm was fourth with a clean round in the jump-off.

The High Junior Jumpers Time First Jump-off had only 2 horses with 4 faults each for the jump-off today. Cara Dayton won the High Junior Jumper, riding Lardi with a clean jump-off round at the Kilkenny/ICH Internationale. Second with 4 faults in the jump-off was Aimee Aron riding Prinsipal for Kinloch Enterprises. There were 13 entries in this difficult Junior Jumper Class. Tomorrow is the $15,000 BET on Jazz Junior Jumper Classic starting at 8:00 AM and the $50,000 Kilkenny/ICH Internationale Cup begins at 2:00 PM.

Jennifer O’Neil won an Amateur Owner Hunter younger class with Portico while Cara Cheska won the younger Amateur Owner Hunter Handy Class with Oakley.

Peek A Blue with Stephanie Vijon up won a Large Green Conformation Pony Hunter Class and the Under Saddle for that division. Peek A Blue is owned by Mindy Darst.

Ellen Toon won 2 Adult Hunter Classes today with her wonderful hunter In Disguise. This is the first time Ellen has competed on In Disguise. In Disguise was champion in the Green Conformation Hunters with Sachine Belle riding winning 4 over fence classes.

All results are posted daily at

Tickets to the Winter Equestrian Festival are available by phone at 793-JUMP or at the gate. Admission is free on Wednesdays. Children 12 & under are free all days. Senior admission is $5 every day. Adult admission is $5 on Thursday and Friday, $10 on Saturday, and $15 on Sunday. Parking is free.

Winter Equestrian Festival Dates:

(Each week runs Wednesday through Sunday beginning at 8:00 AM)

Bayer Gold Coast Classic - January 29 - February 2
Wellington Dressage – January 30 – February 2
Kilkenny/ICH Internationale – February 5 – 9
Florida Classic/WCHR Spectacular – February 12 – 16
Florida Dressage Classic –February 13 - 16
Zada Enterprises, LLC Wellington Masters – February 19 – 23
Tommy Bahama Palm Beach Open – February 26 – March 2
Cosequin Wellington Finale – March 5 – 9
Zada Enterprises, LLC WEF Dressage Classic – March 13 – 16


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