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Youp And Leslie Howard Win the $5,000 NAL 1.4 m Americhoice Challenge by 8/10’s of a Second.

Wellington, FL – February 21, 2003 – The NAL Americhoice Challenge is a speed class and Youp with Leslie Howard up won in record time. This was a huge class with 86 entries vying to be the quickest with no faults over a course designed by Olaf Petersen of Germany. Seventeen horses had fault-free rounds but Leslie and Youp were the fastest and were only 8/10th s of a second faster than Joe Fargis riding Diams III for Mary B. Schwab and O.E.J.I. Farm.

The North American League (NAL) runs season-long series in six hunter and jumper divisions – Children’s Hunter, Children’s Jumper, Adult Hunter, Adult Jumper, Pony Jumper, and Open Jumper Speed. Each series culminates with a championship final at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show in Harrisburg, PA, in October. Riders need not be members of the NAL to compete in any qualifying classes, but only current members earn points toward year-end finals. For more information and a list of qualifying competitions for 2003, please visit the Ryegate Show Services website at

Reknown Judge, Sue Ashe, who travels all over the nation to judge said “the caliber of hunter performances here at the Winter Equestrian Festival are the very best in the country. If your horse wins here, it is quite a distinction.”

Today, Wendy Lewis emerged as Champion in the 3’3 Adult Hunters with her horse Forget Paris. Reserve Champion was Enrique with Kym Smith as owner/rider.

And in the hunters today, the pre-green divisions were many. Pre-Green Champion Noir is ridden by Ken Smith for Mrs. Quentin Alexander/Eutropia Farm. Pre-Green Champion 3-4 Year Old is Music Street with Scott Stewart riding for Alexa Weisman. Pre-Green 3 Foot Champion is Tucker with owner/rider Morgan Thomas. In the Pre-Green 3’3, there were 2 sections; Smart Society with Sandy Ferrell riding for Jack Stedding was Champion in the A Section. Oh So Fine was Champion in the Section B with Scott Stewart riding for Melissa Frey.

Michael Morrissey who is trained by Missy Clark beat 66 entries to win the Washington International Equitation Class today. Michael was second in this class last week and is proving to be a domineering contender in the equitation ranks. He has also begun competing in the big jumper classes with Gera 28.

All results are posted at

Tickets to the Winter Equestrian Festival are available by phone at 793-JUMP or at the gate. Admission is free on Wednesdays. Children 12 & under are free all days. Senior admission is $5 every day. Adult admission is $5 on Thursday and Friday, $10 on Saturday, and $15 on Sunday. Parking is free.

Winter Equestrian Festival Dates:

(Each week runs Wednesday through Sunday beginning at 8:00 AM)

Zada Enterprises, LLC Wellington Masters – February 19 – 23
Tommy Bahama Palm Beach Open – February 26 – March 2
Cosequin Wellington Finale – March 5 – 9
Zada Enterprises, LLC WEF Dressage Classic – March 13 – 16

After March 9, competitors move to Tampa to continue the Winter Equestrian Festival

Dates for Tampa Winter Equestrian Festival

(Each week of competition runs Wed - Sun beginning at 8:00 AM)

Suncoast Internationale March 13-16
Tampa Bay Classic March 19-23 CSI***/W
Tournament of Champions March 25-29 CSI**/W
Budweiser American Invitational March 29 in Raymond James Stadium

Tickets for Winter Equestrian Festival at Tampa Fairgrounds are Wednesday through Friday $5. Children under 12 years are free. Saturday and Sunday Adult tickets are $10. Seniors and Students are $5 all days. For schedule, directions and information visit

Tickets for the Budweiser American Invitational, March 29 at Raymond James Stadium are available at Ticket Master (813) 287-8844 or at Stadium Jumping (877) 909-9436.


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