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AVA Announces Release of New Vaulting Manual

Martinez, CA February 26, 2004 - - The American Vaulting Association (AVA) announces the release of a vaulting coaches training manual, TRAINING FOR COACHES: Compulsories and Kur, written by Emma Drinker and Isabelle Bibbler. This easy-to-use manual is divided into five levels and covers techniques for teaching beginning to advanced vaulting skills. It contains teaching tips, drills, and skill-building exercises invaluable in teaching compulsory and freestyle exercises for competition as well as recreational vaulting. The manual includes ideas for training on the ground and for working with the horse. More than 400 photographs by Eric Jewett complement the text and provide visual reference for correct and incorrect vaulting form. Modern vaulting was developed in Germany, and is a growing competitive sport in the U.S. It is also used as a pre-riding discipline to develop confidence, balance, and a natural seat for all riders.

"This much needed resource for coaches and vaulters is full of valuable tips that will improve your knowledge and skills," said Suzanne Detol (FEI O), international vaulting judge. "This book is a 'must-buy' for anyone who is interested in the sport of vaulting, and will help vaulters and coaches identify common faults."

The authors of the manual are experienced international-level vaulters and coaches. A former gold level vaulter, Drinker is the head coach of Mt. Eden Vaulters of Saratoga, CA. She was the trainer of Devon Maitozo (Gold medal, World Equestrian Games, 1998 and bronze medals from the World Vaulting Championships in 1996, 2000, and 2002) and Kerith Lemon (medalist at the last four World Vaulting Championships and nine-time National Champion). Emma is a skilled horse trainer and former gold medal level vaulter.

Ms. Bibbler is the head coach of Woodside Vaulters of Woodside, CA. Her teams represented the United States at the 1996 World Vaulting Championships and earned the bronze medal at the 1998 World Equestrian Games. Woodside Vaulters were National Champions in 1995, 1996, 1998 and 1999. She is a former gold medal vaulter and is currently the only American to have achieved Level 3 International Trainers' Certification.

The 170-page manual, TRAINING FOR COACHES: Compulsories and Kur, is available from the American Vaulting Association, 5620 Vineta Court, Martinez, CA 94553, 925/370-2173, or E-mail The cost is $35.00 (non-member) plus $8.00 shipping and handling.

Please visit our website at for more information about vaulting. The American Vaulting Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational organization dedicated to the promotion of Vaulting, an equestrian sport in which vaulters perform gymnastic movements in harmony with their equine partner.


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