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Blainville Returns with Flagship Dressage and Show Jumping Tournaments

Blainville, Quebec --- The Classique Internationale de Blainville is pleased to announce the return of its two most popular equestrian competitions, the CDI***-W Blainville Dressage International from June 30-July 3 and the CSI-W Blainville Jumping International held July 7-11 at Blainville Equestrian Park in Blainville, QC.

Both competitions, which include World Cup Qualifying events, are sanctioned by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) and feature the world’s top athletes competing in the two Olympic disciplines of dressage and show jumping.

“The Grand Prix field at Blainville Equestrian Park in Blainville, Canada.”
Photo credit – Cealy Tetley

Blainville to Host Olympic Selection Trials for Dressage

The action will kick off with the CDI***-W Blainville Dressage International being held on new dates in order to accommodate the Olympic Selection Trials. Taking place June 30-July 3, two weeks earlier than usual, the CDI***-W Blainville Dressage International was selected to host the second and final Olympic Selection Trials for the Canadian Dressage Team headed to the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. Throughout the week, all levels of competitions evaluated by the world’s top international judges and will culminate on the evening of Saturday, July 3, with the wildly popular Dressage Musical Freestyle Extravaganza, always a sell-out!

Facility Improvements at Blainville Equestrian Park

For the CSI-W Blainville Jumping International, many changes are afoot at Blainville Equestrian Park. The Classique Internationale de Blainville organizing committee has generously donated $50,000 towards improving the footing in both the Grand Prix and Annex Jumping rings, as well as in all warm-up areas.

“The Classique has chosen to invest in Blainville Equestrian Park’s resources in order to offer our competitors a world-class facility,” notes Jean-Pierre Arvisais, President of the Classique Internationale de Blainville. “These funds will ensure that all of the site’s footing is upgraded and reworked. We will also be changing the footing in the annex jumper ring from its current grass surface to an all-weather surface and will also be redesigning the ring to make it more attractive and inviting for competitors.”

This highlight of this year’s edition of the CSI-W Blainville Show Jumping International will once again be the $60,000 World Cup Qualifier Grand Prix on Sunday, July 11. Over $140,000 in prize money will be offered throughout the five-day tournament and is sure to attract the biggest names in Canadian show jumping as well as numerous foreign competitors. Eugene Mathy of Belgium has been named the course designer for the Grand Prix field.

Located just north of Montreal, Blainville Equestrian Park features a variety of attractions that ensure family members enjoy their visit. For more information, please contact Blainville International at tel: (450) 434-8202, fax: (450) 434-8209, or e-mail:


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