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Bob Jeffreys Partnership Training for Horse and Rider

February 2004 E-Newsletter

“We don’t break horses, we teach horses and riders to make breakthroughs!”

Topics Covered in This Issue:

~Bob’s World ~Training Tip of the Month
~Some Thoughts from Suz ~Riding Tip of the Month
~Where’s Your Horse?
~Bob Jeffreys Group Discounts
~Where did you get those Riding Pants?
~Agriventures Equine Expo. – Page 3
~SUNY Morrisville Foundation Clinic
~Valatie, NY – The Ground Manners Clinic
~Bloomingburg, NY -Extended Foundation Clinic
~Centered Riding® Clinic/Jumping Clinic
~Bob Jeffreys Calendar of Events – Page 4
~Bob Jeffreys Article of the Month – Page 5


Bob’s World

Happy New Year to all! I’ve started off the year doing some indoor training over at Red Gate Farm in Bloomingburg. A few of my boarders have joined us and we’ve even started a drill team. As you can see from our schedule it appears Suzanne and I will be quite busy this year. We started off this year presenting at the Northeast Horsemen’s Conference and Trade Show in Maine last weekend. This year will also bring us to the Agriventures Equine Expo in Danbury, Connecticut, Equine Extravaganza East Expo in Chantilly, Virginia and Equine Affaire in Ohio. We hope you can join us for these events and look forward to working with you in the near future. By the way, we shall have two stalls available at Jeffcrest Ranch from March 1st. If you are interested in boarding with us, please call (845) 692-7478.

Training Tip of the Month

For those of you riding regularly during this winter season (good for you!), please remember to include a warm up period before asking too much of your horses. Cold muscles should be allowed to warm up gradually before they can stretch and work safely. This fact also applies to people as well as horses. It’s also important to cool them down before ending a training session. To decrease drying time, you can brush them against the lay of their hair coat.


Some Thoughts from Suz

“Whatever you do, or dream you can do, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Goethe

Happy winter! If you’re like me, sometimes it’s hard to get to the barn and endure the cold weather while mucking, feeding, and caring for your horses. But it’s all worth it once you get out on the trail and enjoy the gorgeous snow-covered scenery with your horse. Winter is a great time to learn new skills, or practice and refine those that you’d like to improve for the coming season. So bundle up and have fun with your horse!

Riding Tip of the Month

When you’re braced against the cold it’s easy to stiffen up. Breathing deeply is one simple way to begin to relax and loosen up. Inhaling through the nose warms the breath as it enters your body more effectively than inhaling through the mouth. I like to wear a fleece scarf or “turtle” around my neck, which I can bring up high to cover my mouth and nose. This warms my whole face and neck, and eliminates those prickly little frozen nose hairs! So dress warmly, remember to breathe, and have fun with your horse!

Where’s your horse?

A good match between horse and rider is the key to learning together, having fun, and reaching your goals. Need help finding the right horse? As of this year Bob and Suz are actively purchasing and refining horses for resale. If you’re looking for that equine partner, we just might have the horse you’ve been looking for!


Does Your Group Qualify for Bob Jeffreys Clinics’ Group Discounts?

Give us a call to find out! We offer a significant discount on our clinics to select groups, including members of 4H, Pony Club (yes, including the adult branch!!!), the United Stated Icelandic Horse Congress, and the American Trail Horse Association. If you’d like to arrange this benefit for your group, let us know- we’ll see what we can do to support you and your members!

“Where did you get those riding pants?” “Equissentials, Inc.!”

Bob and Suz would like to welcome Equissentials, Inc., the newest member of our family of sponsors. This company custom makes the most comfortable, good looking deerskin patch breeches and jods at an excellent price, and provides the best customer service we’ve experienced in a long time! Because the Icelandic/Western jods are so easy to move in, Suz won’t ride in anything else! To see their complete line of products go to , and support a company that sells only items made in the USA!

See you at SUNY Morrisville!

Our first Foundation Clinic Level 1 of 2004 will be held at SUNY Morrisville! Stride of Central New York, a NARHA therapeutic riding center, is our host! So join us at the gorgeous new equestrian center for a fundraising show on Friday, March 5th, at 7pm, or contact us to reserve your spot in the Saturday/Sunday clinic. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Next up – The Ground Manners Clinic in Valatie, NY!

March 13 & 14, we will be doing our 2nd Ground Manners Clinic of 2004! Our first one had an excellent turnout and all participants excelled despite the cold!

Are you interested in working with your horse from the ground?

Contact us for more information.

Four days of in-depth Partnership Training for Horse & Rider

If you’d like to jump right into the riding season, when the weather is not quite so bitter, join Bob and Suzanne in Bloomingburg, NY on April 3-6th for our Extended Foundation Clinic. Horse psychology, ground manners, mounted training, Centered Riding® techniques…a great way to learn with your horse!

Centered Riding® & Centered Jumping with Susan Harris!

Bob and Suz have had such a great time hosting Susan the last several years that we’ve arranged a 2 day Centered Riding ® Clinic (plus a Friday eve lecture) and a 2 day Centered Jumping Clinic for 2004! From Friday May 7 (7-9pm) and Saturday May 8 through Tuesday May 11 (9am-5pm each day) join Susan (assisted by Suzanne) in Bloomingburg, NY, where we have an indoor arena, a beautiful location, and the opportunity to learn with one of the top instructors in the world! All disciplines are welcome, and last year we had riders of all levels, including western riders brand new to jumping (watch that horn!), Icelandic horses, and very high level jumpers. This clinic sells out fast, so please contact us asap if you’d like to attend for just the 2 days of Centered Riding®, or all four days! What a great way to say, ‘Happy Mother’s Day!”


Sponsored by NUTRENA

Saturday, February 28, 2004

9 am to 5pm *FREE ADMISSION

Sheraton Hotel – 18 Old Ridgebury Road – Danbury, CT

An exciting day filled with presentations by special guest speakers. This is a great change to meet internationally know riders, trainers and veterinarians!


Allen M. Schoen, D.V.M., M.S. – Dr. Schoen is the Founder and Director for the Veterinary Institute for Therapeutic Alternatives. Dr. Schoen will discuss “The Integrations of Acupuncture and Chiropractic for Equine Sports Medicine”.

Ron Emond DVM – Dr Emond will present “Colic: Causes, Effects, and Solutions”.

Brian Stuart – Brian will discuss the “Merits of Traditional Horse Dentistry”. Brian has served the local horse community as a lay equine dentist for 20 years. Brian discusses the time tested methods of caring for horses’ teeth.

Lendon Gray – Lendon won five Gold Medals at US Olympic Festivals on five different horses of varying breeds. Lendon has a stable in Bedford, NY with 50 horses and a multitude of students. Lendon is active in many organizations, including sitting on the USET Active Rider Committee, the Board of Governors and Board of Trustees; on the AHSA Dressage Committee; as well as a USDF Instructor Certification Examiner, USDF Test Writing Committee, USDF Regional Championship Committee and active at the local level at home.

Amy Gill, PhD – Dr. Gill received a doctorate in Equine Nutrition and Physiology from the University of Kentucky. Dr. Gill had authored numerous articles for publications. Dr. Gill owns and operates Amber Lane Farm in Versailles, KY. The facility is a Thoroughbred nursery and offers sales, boarding, foaling, and sales prep. Dr. Gill is also an avid competitor. Dr. Gill will discuss “Recent Advancements in Equine Nutrition”.

Bob Jeffreys – Bob, a clinician, teacher, author and horse trainer, is the founder of the Partnership Training for Horse and Rider System. He teaches his own Trainer Education Program at his ranch in Middletown, NY. Bob and his partner, Suzanne Sheppard, perform at expos and trade conferences, and present Partnership Training clinics nationwide. Together they personally work with all clinic and Trainer Education Program participants to provide true insight, real answers and superior results.

Eileen Katz – Eileen is a Senior Territory Manager for Pfizer Equine. Eileen will discuss “The Parasite Puzzle – Answers to Parasitism, Tapeworms and Rotation Deworming”. Eileen has been in the horse industry for 30 years and has been with Pfizer Animal Health since May of 2001. She has extensive training and education in clinical and sub clinical parasitism, related causes of colic and general wellness equine programs.

Trade Show

Meet with manufacturer’s representatives and enjoy incredible specials on many equine products.

Participating vendors include: Absorbine Products ~Equine America-Corta Flex Products ~Exceller Farm ~Equicare ~Farnum ~Hamilton-Quality Halters and Leads ~Horse Health ~Iver-Care ~Lawton Adams Construction ~Mainline Fence ~Pfizer-Strongid Products ~Pleasant Ridge Builders ~Sure Nutrition’s ~Nutrena ~Vita-Flex ~Wellenes Pet Foods ~Westchester Footings

For Additional Information Contact:

Agriventures ~80 Mil Plain Road ~ Danbury, CT 06811

1-800-414-3346 or 1-914-671-0085


Bob Jeffreys Clinics 2004 Events

February 14 & 15, 2004 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - Customized Partnership Clinic- Basking Ridge, NJ

February 28, 2004 – Bob Jeffreys Clinic @ Agriventures Equine Expo – Danbury CT

March 5-8, 2004 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics- Foundation Clinic Level 1 – SUNY Morrisville, NY

Hosted by Stride of Central NY

March 13 & 14 - Bob Jeffreys Clinics – Ground Manners Clinic – Valatie, NY

March 19-21 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics @ Equine Event East – Dulles EXPO & Convention Center

Chantilly, VA

March 25-28 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics @ Equine Affaire – Columbus, OH

April 3-6, 2003 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - Extended Foundation Clinic – Bloomingburg, NY

April 23-25 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – Clarksburg, Maryland

May 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11, 2004 – Bob Jeffreys and Suzanne Sheppard host Susan Harris for a

Open Centered Riding® Clinic and a Centered Jumping® Clinic

Bloomingburg, NY

May 14-16, 2004 – Bob Jeffreys Clinic – Foundation Clinic – Level 1

Rensselaerville, NY

May 24-28 & May 31-June 4 – Bob Jeffreys Midwest Trainer Education Program – Level 1

Cambridge Springs, PA

May 29 & 30 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - The Kids Clinic – Cambridge Springs, PA

June 11, 12 & 13 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – Guilford, VT

June 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - Horsemanship Breakthrough Week – Middletown, NY

June 25, 26 & 27 – Tai Chi for Horsepeople with Suzanne Sheppard – Guilford, VT

July 12-16 & July 19-23 – Bob Jeffreys Trainer Education Program – Level 1-Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY

July 17 & 18 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – Bloomingburg, NY

August 14 & 15 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - Kids Clinic – Bloomingburg, NY

August 16-20 & August 23-27 – Bob Jeffreys Trainer Education Program – Level 2 – Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY

August 21 & 22 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - Foundation Clinic – Level 2 – Bloomingburg, NY

October 11-15 & October 18-22 – Bob Jeffreys Trainer Education Program – Level 3 – Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY

October 16 & 17 – Bob Jeffreys Clinics - Advanced Clinic – Bloomingburg, NY (845)692-7478

Saddling Your Horse

By Bob Jeffreys

Have you ever gone to the barn, full of anticipation for a great ride, only to spend half the time attempting to saddle up as your horse dances around? Saddling problems range from being simply annoying to downright dangerous. You can correct the problem yourself by following the sequence of steps described below.

First, check to see if the saddle fits your horse properly. If you are not sure how, get help from a saddle fitter, or someone else who has experience with this skill.

If the saddle fit is good and you still have a problem saddling your horse it’s probably because he has a “hole” somewhere in his basic training that needs to be filled. Let’s just put the saddle down for now. Start by petting your horse all over his body while working in an open area and having him outfitted in his halter and untied lead rope. If you find any spots where he’s uncomfortable with your touch, you’ll have to work through this first using an approach (the sensitive area) and retreat method.

Don’t rush this step; it’s the most important part. We need to have our horse comfortable with our touch anywhere on his body including inside the mouth (rub his gums) and nostrils, under his tail, and so forth. Also start putting pressure with your hand and arm in the cinch area. Now we can go and get either a lariat or another lead rope and begin to rub him all over with this new object. Start by facing and walking toward your horse with the rope in your right hand and down at your side; when you reach the horse just pet him with your left hand (the empty hand) and turn around and walk five feet away. Approach again but this time just show him the rope (hold it about one foot in front of his nose and allow him to sniff it), pet with your other hand, and leave again. Re-approach and just touch him with the rope on top of his nose, leave and come back, touch the nose, and the side of his neck before leaving. Continue this, adding the shoulder, barrel, hip etc., until you can rub all over the horse with your rope. You must also be able to do this from both sides of your horse.

Now you are ready to move on to the saddle blanket. Again start out in front of your horse and fold the blanket so that its size approximates that of the rope you were using. This will make it a little easier for your horse to accept (it’s a different object but at least it’s the same size). We’ll go through all the steps we used with the rope, approaching, rubbing and leaving. Then we’ll unfold the blanket halfway (do this while your standing five feet in front of the horse) so that he sees you doing it. This way if he’s frightened at least he won’t strike at the blanket. Repeat all the steps with the half folded blanket on both sides of the horse.

Now completely unfold the blanket and rub it all over. Then throw it up on his back, his rump, his neck, etc. from both sides. Place the blanket on the horse and squeeze a little on both sides of the withers (where the saddle will lay). Also use the full length of the blanket to make a sling under him and lift upwards, putting pressure in the cinch area to further desensitize your horse to this feel. Throw the blanket right over his back and off the other side, letting it land on the ground to get him accustomed to an accidental drop. When all these steps have been accomplished and your horse is not only accepting, but comfortable with what we’re doing, it’s time for the saddle.

Walk nonchalantly up to your horse with the saddle (not like a predator stalking a prey animal), show it to him and then place it gently on his back, taking care that the stirrups and cinch straps do not bang against him. Now take the girth strap and manually apply just a bit of pressure to the cinch area of your horse. When he accepts it, go ahead and cinch the horse up. Don’t cinch too tight right here, just enough so that, when he moves, the saddle won’t rotate. Ask him to move around you in a circle a few times each way and then cinch up again before you mount. This last step allows the horse to relax knowing we’re not going to pinch him and tighten so much that he can’t move or breathe correctly.

If you follow each of these steps your saddling problems should be over and there will be more time available to enjoy your ride.

©Bob Jeffreys


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