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Horse Riding Camps offered in Europe this Summer

Millbrook, NY (February 25, 2004) — This summer, Cross Country International (CCI) is offering exciting equestrian camp getaways for youths across the pond. According to the travel institute of America, with nearly 30 million Americans using their leisure time to take an educational trip to learn or improve a skill, sport or hobby in the past three years, the time has never been better to give your kids a chance to grow their equestrian skill set during their time away from school. Through CCI, this July and August, horse-crazy adolescents can travel to riding camps in England and Ireland and experience the ultimate summer learning experience.

Youth Riding Camp in England – Yorkshire Riding Centre
Campers at Yorkshire Riding Centre in Great Britain ride a minimum of two hours per day in structured lessons taught by senior instructors appointed by the facility’s Olympic riders and coaches - Christopher Bartle and Jane Bartle-Wilson. The instructors focus on dressage, cross country and stadium jumping in the hopes of creating “well-rounded” and confident riders. One hour of theory is taught per day in addition to the riding lessons. During theory lectures and demonstrations, campers will learn skills including, but not limited to, first aid, barn management and barn safety, all in a fun and relaxed learning environment.

Yorkshire Riding Centre is one of the largest, most prestigious equestrian facilities in Great Britain. It is owned by Christopher Bartle, who competed at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics in dressage and also won the famed Badminton Three Day Event in 1998, and his sister, Jane Bartle-Wilson, one of Britain’s great dressage competitors who has twice been her country’s National Champion and she has earned the prestigious position of chef d’equipe of the British Dressage Team.

Equipped with two large indoor arenas, an outdoor arena, a stadium jumping field and a cross country course, Yorkshire Riding Centre provides campers with the space, the resources and the tools to learn about equestrian sport. English tack and experienced horses are assigned to the campers and safety remains the number one priority throughout the week. The horses at the Yorkshire Equestrian Centre are trained at many different levels in order to conform with almost any level of rider’s skills. Guests are welcome to visit campers and watch lessons at any time.

The campers are encouraged to keep busy when they are not riding. Other activities offered include tennis, badminton, volleyball, ping-pong, television and movies. Off-site excursions include swimming, bowling, sightseeing, and movies and are determined by the age of each group.

Accommodations are in a guesthouse or student dorms and include seven nights. All meals, lessons with senior instructors, and excursions are included in the price of $1,490 per person. Additional lessons with the chief instructors are available for $390 per day.

Youth Riding Camp in Ireland – Clonshire Equestrian Centre
Sue and Dan Foley of the Clonshire Equestrian Centre have put together a program that allows children from all over the world to learn the art of equestrian sports in a laid-back, low-pressure, safe environment. Just outside of Adare, Ireland’s “prettiest village,” sits the Clonshire Equestrian Centre. The large indoor arena, large outdoor arena, polo field, cross country course and miles of countryside just waiting to be galloped, make the youth riding camp in Ireland a perfect place to send a horse-loving adolescent.

At this camp, children are housed in a typical Irish house with the Foley family. Sue, Dan and their three lovely children create a “home away from home” which is a unique experience that proves very comforting to campers not used to being away from home.

This popular camp keeps young people busy all day. Campers ride for at least three hours per day on horses and ponies that are appropriately matched to each rider’s skills. There are many activities that are offered to campers daily. Horse care, lessons, demonstrations, trail rides, competitions, as well as daily training in the disciplines of show jumping, cross country and dressage are available. Other supplemental activities include visits to the nearby village, movies, bowling, skating, and horse shows. Activities are supervised and provide a fun break from the stable.

A session at the youth riding camp in Ireland includes seven nights accommodation with the Foley family, six days of riding, all meals and excursions. The 2004 price for this camp is $1,600 per week. Space is limited and due to the popularity of this camp, sessions will fill up fast.

For more information about the Youth Riding Camps in England and Ireland, please contact Cross Country International at (800) 828-8768 or visit


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