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Cross Country International Offers Week-Long Training Sessions in New Zealand With Eventing Legend Mark Todd

Millbrook, NY—Cross Country International is offering a new series of intensive training vacations in New Zealand. The weeklong vacations begin on February 8, 2004 and continue periodically throughout the year.

Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Mark Todd has teamed up with world-class eventer Karen Neiderer to put together a series of dream vacations for riders who are serious about eventing and wish to learn from the world’s best. The sessions are based on a low-pressure, no-yelling principle that brings out the best in riders.

Todd and Neiderer have created a program in which riders will practice the eventing sub-disciplines—dressage, cross country and stadium jumping—and also study the harmonious development of horse and rider as a team. This 6-day, 7-night program includes as many as 5 hours of riding per day. Rides are in the form of semi-private lessons with Todd or Neiderer, or trail rides through the New Zealand countryside.


Todd, currently New Zealand’s eventing coach following his retirement as an active competitor, will be available for a day of lessons one week per month, offering visitors a rare opportunity to ride under the instruction of one of the world’s all-time great equestrians. These sessions with Todd are extremely special due to the personal, one-on-one setting. Space is limited and this incredible opportunity is expected to fill up fast.

Neiderer will be the instructor of the lessons that Todd is unable to teach.

Many of eventing’s greatest horses and riders have come out of New Zealand and the small country is one of the most powerful forces in the sport. Riding in the heart of the eventing world with the tools, resources and knowledge that the great riders have left behind are sure to benefit each participant’s body, mind and soul. Riders will have a chance to train at New Zealand’s National Equestrian Centre, stomping ground of many Olympic medalists and World Champions, providing an educational experience that they are sure never to forget.

Returning nightly to the Caboose Hotel on Lake Taupo in New Zealand’s central North Island, riders will be welcomed by the hotel’s luxurious décor, wonderful ambience and inviting warmth. The 51-room hotel includes a restaurant and bar, perfect for relaxing after a long day in the saddle. Non-riding activities will also be available, including biking, fishing, boating, sailing, hunting, hiking, golfing, kayaking, white water rafting, geyser treks, and Jet Ski rentals.

One week of cross country training in New Zealand, including a day of riding with the legendary Mark Todd, costs $2295 and also includes accommodations, meals, transfers and additional rides with Neiderer. During weeks that Todd is not available to teach, all lessons will be under Karen Neiderer’s instruction, and the cost will be $1795.

For more information about Cross Country International’s eventing training sessions in New Zealand or a copy of Mark Todd’s teaching schedule, please contact Cross Country International by calling (800) 828-8768, emailing or by visiting


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