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EUR 160,000.-- World Reining Trophy 2004 offers Intermediate Open Class now

The World Reining Trophy 2004 will offer an Intermediate Open class as well, which means a total prize money of EUR 160,000.-now.

From June 10 to 13, 2004 Daniel Straumann and his team organize at Mooslargue (France) the first World Reining Trophy. This show concewntrating on Reining and Cutting offers a highly attractive variety of classes, among them the NRHA Lawson Bronze Trophy Open with a purse of EUR 100,000.-alone.

Now the Mooslargue Showmanagement added an Intermediate Open Class with EUR 5000.-- added. "We want to offer an attractive class for all those reiners whose horses still have some way to go. The World Reining Trophy should be a meeting point for all reining enthusiasts," says showmanager Daniel Straumann. "The Intermediate Open should be some kind of ' finishing touch' and its purse of EUR 5000.-is a considerable one.."

But the World Reining Trophy not only offers great prize money but also superb conditions for this sport. The 40 x 80 m showarena is known to have a great footing for reining - the Swiss horse magazine ‚Westerner' even called HorseAcademy the most popular horse show facility of Europe now. For warming up, there's an additional 30 x 70 m indoor arena plus a 40 x 80 m outdoor arena.

Daniel Straumann and his team are busy preparing optimal conditions for the competitors now. The judges will be Joe Carter, Bob Mayhew and Jody Brainard. Fine food is available all day. On Friday and Saturday night, there will be a party. On June 1, 2004 the new hotel will open. It is right beside the showground, of course.

New schedule and entry form:


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