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10. Bremer Pferdefest with Int. Western Riding Show:

New: Reining (NRHA Regio Cup)
Bremen-Schimmelhof, May 20-23, 2004

The Bremer Pferdefest celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. And the International Western Riding Show will be its special highlight again. Besides four AQHA/DQHA approved shows, there will be NRHA, NCHA and NSBA classes. The showmanagement expects about 200 competitors from all over Europe.

Fine prizes and interesting classes - that's Bremen-Schimmelhof again this year. Especially the reiners and cutters should look forward to this show, as their classes are approved both by AQHA and NRHA resp. NCHA. Friday will be Reining day. The reining competition will take place at the outdoor arena behind the indoor arena, which was praised very much by competitors like Grischa Ludwig last year. For the first time, an NRHA Regio Cup show will be integrated, which is organized by the Bremen management and Matthias Inndorf of the NRHA Regional Group Niedersachsen/Hamburg/Bremen.

Two of the at least four judges will be Jan Boogaerts, Belgium (AQHA and NRHA) and Maik Bartmann, Germany (AQHA and NRHA).

For more informations please contact:
Sylke Stemme phone ++49-5031-67580;


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