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Olympian Carl Hester Stars At Equus 2004

A British team member at the Barcelona and Sydney Olympics, short-listed for the 2004 Athens Olympics, and holder of 32 national titles, dressage expert Carl Hester will demonstrate his skills at Equus 2004 at London's ExCel on Saturday and Sunday, 16 - 18 April.

Carl will show his training methods of working with novice horses in the morning and provide grand prix horse displays to music in the afternoon. This is a thrilling opportunity to see one of the top dressage riders up-close and personal.


"I am very pleased to have been invited to demonstrate at Equus, having heard such good reports on the many varied displays on offer", Said Carl Hester. "With British Dressage on such a high after its medal successes in 2003, it will be a pleasure to show the training that goes into this beautiful sport."

Equus, organised by TJW Events, part of TJW Exhibitions, will also feature top eventer Pippa Funnell, show jumper Di Lampard, western rider David Deptford, problem horse trainer Michael Peace, Tony Smart's special action horses, and Parelli's natural horsemanship.

Plus there will be a variety of other non-equestrian displays in the arena, such as Cyril the Squirrel and his racing terriers and David Seamark's sheepdog demonstrations. An Aladdin's cave of equestrian and country lifestyle exhibits will be open throughout the 3 days to tempt.

A Healthy Horse Clinic, expert equestrian seminars, a Job Shop and CV Clinic plus lots of children's entertainment are also programmed - and one daily ticket provides access to all areas! Advance and group tickets are discounted from or call the Ticket Hotline 08700 118 930.

London's ExCel - which has lots of parking and is close to the underground - looks the only place to be between Friday and Sunday, 16 - 18 April!


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