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horse New account manager joins speciality feeds team

Jo Holmes has been appointed account manager for BOCM PAULS' speciality feeds division, and is working in an area north of the A50 to the Scottish borders.

Married to an assistant racing trainer, Jo is calling on a huge range of different customers as she is responsible for selling the company's Hickstead Horse Feeds range as well as Marsdens dog and game feeds.

"My customers are racing, training, and livery yards, riding schools, pet shops, feed merchants and tack shops, sporting estates and gamekeepers," she says. "I'm really loving the job and find I'm incredibly busy."

Jo was previously looking after key farm accounts within the Porcofram part of the BOCM PAULS business but, as she used to ride, and lists national hunt racing as her main hobby, she is relishing the horse feed part of her role.

Anyone interested in a feeding visit from Jo can contact her on her mobile 07889 460748 or can call the speciality feeds helpline on 0845 0250 444.


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