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Who Cares if British Horses and Ponies are Sent Abroad for Slaughter ?

We do say the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) who are appealing to all British animal lovers to sign their petition today to help convince the politicians that we will not allow our horses and ponies to suffer long journeys to European abattoirs, ever again.

Comments Jo White, ILPH Campaigns Manager, "We are making a final push for more signatures before our petitions close at the end of the month. With less than a month to go before we close them we are urging all our supporters to rally and make an extra effort to get more signatures."

The on-line petition, currently standing at around 27,000, will close on 29 February and all the paper petitions need to be received at ILPH Headquarters at Anne Colvin House, Snetterton, Norwich, NR16 2LR, by that date.

Jo continues, "Alongside the petitions we are extending our letter writing campaign, this time to local MPs. We are now at a point where public support must also be directed towards the politicians who must put pressure on the Government to act so that the export trade is not resumed."

All those who have signed the on-line petition, or who asked for campaign packs, will not need to contact the ILPH again. They will shortly be receiving information as to how their continued support can help protect British horses and ponies from being exported to the continent for slaughter.

Continues Jo, "We must convey our heartfelt thanks to all those kind people who have signed our petitions and who have written in support of our campaign to the Secretary of State Margaret Beckett. It is difficult for us to guage the number of letters that were received, but suffice to say that we understand that Defra had to take on extra staff in their post room !"

Those people who have not contacted the ILPH for a campaign pack, or signed the on-line petition, but who would now like to help with a paper petition, or in the letter writing campaign, should call 0870 366 6910 and leave their name and address after the recorded message. To sign the online petition, download copies of the letters and paper petition, or to find out more about the campaign go to



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