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Peter Pletcher Earns Tricolors and a New Grand Prix Mount in Week One at Indio

Indio, California—The first week of the Horse Shows in the Sun Desert Circuit was very rewarding to Peter Pletcher and the horses and clients of PJP Farms. Pletcher, who traveled all the way from Texas, earned five championships and reserves in the hunter division plus his students walked away with their own tri-colors.

With Alex Dillard’s Rivoli, Pletcher was champion in the regular working division. He also swept the second year green division with the championship on Lynn Walsh’s Ocean Park and the reserve on Marianne Cochran’s The Dinner Guest. But the winning didn’t stop there. On Gail J. Serrell’s Speaking Of Pletcher took home another championship in the first year green-b division. Rounding out the tri-colors was Nancy J. Shaw’s Deveraux, reserve champion in the Pre-Green division.

“This is one of the most successful shows we’ve ever had,” Pletcher said. His students also took home armloads of ribbons. Laurie Lewis was champion in the Amateur Owner 36 and over division with Lifestyle.

In addition to his busy hunter schedule, Pletcher is now back in the jumper ring with two grand prix horses. A few months ago Pletcher began riding Alex Dillard’s Charmed and just this week began working with Samurai, another top jumper mount, owned by Jim and Rhonda Conley of Conley Classics.

As if training and showing were not enough, Pletcher recently became a spokesperson for custom boot maker Der Dau. Visit for information on all of the fine Der Dau products.


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