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horse Super Slide - bigger and better than ever For the first time with CRI!

From September 2 to 5, 2004 the NRHA regional group of Bavaria once more organizes the Super Slide. This Bavarian Futurity has become well known and equally well accepted by rders and trainer as a great chance of preparation for the 'big' NRHA Futurity at the same facility later in the year.

Altogether the show offers EUR 15 000,-- add. With EUR 3000,-- going to the best breeders. Besides the Futurity classes in SBH Non Pro and Open as well as in Bit Non Pro and Open, there are NRHA Germany classens in Youth up to 14 years, Youth up to 18 years, Intermediate Non Pro, Non Pro and Open, all counting for the high point list.

This year, there is one big novelty: For the first time, the Super Slide provides an FEI class: a CRI category B. This CRI is one of the qualifying shows for the World Masters Series in the U.S.A. The exact amount of prize money is not known yet, but one thing is already sure: the two riders qualifying for the final will be sponsored the flight to Oklahoma City by sponsor Nagel Travel Agency. The Super Slide show management invite the complete EC team (all six riders) to the CRI, including box stalls and entry
fees. This is sponsored by Super Slide and Gut Matheshof.

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