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Malvern Makes The Going Good

The owners of a top competition venue in the Midlands are to invest in an extensive programme of further improvements to its equestrian facilities for 2004.

The Three Counties Showground in Malvern, Worcestershire - home of the Three Counties Agricultural Society (TCAS) - hosts in the region of twenty separate horse events, together with its long running Three Counties Countryside Show every year.

The planned regeneration of its equestrian area will involve breaking down compacted surfaces, installing a permanent irrigation system and enlarging the horse rings.

The Society has enlisted the help of grass maintenance contractor, Malcolm Higginson, who is currently working with the British Equestrian Federation on cross country tracks at a number of top events.

Mr. Higginson has already carried out a detailed site visit and submitted proposals for improving the going, so exhibitors competing at Malvern this year should notice some significant changes.

Said TCAS Chief Executive Officer, Gareth Smith: "Equine events are a regular feature of the Society's annual calendar, and we recognise the importance of maintaining our facilities.

The Showground has a reputation as an excellent equestrian venue, but it does suffer from shallow soil and little natural moisture, so we are investing in a permanent irrigation system to ensure that the going remains good even during the driest periods.

On Malcolm's advice, we will also be breaking down the existing surfaces, overseeding with a grass mix suitable for extensive use by horses and implementing an ongoing programme of fertilising to improve root mass and promote strong growth.

I am sure that the improvements will be welcomed by everyone competing at the Three Counties Countryside Show in June, and by the many horse societies that use Malvern for their own events."

As part of the regeneration programme, the Main Ring will be enlarged with new white fencing, and the collecting area greatly enhanced.

Other collecting rings will also be improved to ensure the safe and free flow of horses and pedestrians on site, and Ring 1, behind the stables, will be made bigger to provide a dedicated working-in area.

The Three Counties Countryside Show takes place from 18 - 20 June 2004.


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