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horse BHS Jubilee Access Week 2002
- highlighting the need for safer off road riding
24 May - 4 June 2002

The British Horse Society's ACCESS Week will take place this year in the week leading up to HM The Queen's Golden Jubilee: 25 May - 4 June. Jubilee Rides will take place all over the country to celebrate the bridleway network and The BHS will be presenting awards to local authorities and landowners who have addressed the need of riders in the area of access and rights of way.

The aim of BHS Access Week is to highlight the need for more off road riding for horse riders and carriage drivers. Today's roads are becoming increasingly busy and dangerous. There are an estimated 3000 accidents involving horses on the roads every year, and The BHS is campaigning for measures to reduce that number.

There will be Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards to local authorities who have taken the need for more equestrian access seriously in their Local Plans. There will also be Route Creation Awards to landowners and councils who have set up new bridleways or trails, and "Good Guy" Awards mainly given to individuals who have consistently worked to open up bridleways and provide more equestrian routes.

In each case the Awards will be presented by the BHS County Chairman.

In presenting these awards the BHS shows appreciation of those who have worked hard to provide more off road riding, and at the same time encourages others to follow their example.

Anyone who wants to become involved in BHS Access Week, or would like to suggest someone they think should get an award, should contact the BHS Access Office at Stoneleigh on 08701 202244.

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