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horse Bookie's Daughter Excells at Extortion

A bookie's daughter has taken up a charity's challenge and has raised over double
the money needed.

Sarah Humphreys (33) a bookie's daughter who has taken up the ILPH (International
League for the Protection of Horses) Jordan Challenge Ride has raised a staggering
£5,345, when £2,000 would have been enough !

Says Sarah, who flies off to Jordan this Saturday, "I read the piece about last year's
challenge in the ILPH Newsletter and felt inspired to do the trip myself. I'm good at
extortion so set myself twice the normal target of £2,000."

People's generosity has amazed Sarah, "People seem to think I'm brave to be riding
across the desert in the Middle East," she adds.

Sarah hopes that by taking part in the ILPH Jordan Challenge 2002 she will have
helped to raise awareness, and funds for the vital work that the ILPH does.

Comments Roly Owers, Director of Support at the ILPH, "Sarah's efforts are more
than commendable - Let's hope that after all her hard work fundraising she can now
relax and have a jolly good time !"

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