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OHTO Help With New Tachograph Regulations

From 1 April 2002 a detailed check of the Tachograph will be introduced as part of the Statutory Annual Test (Plating Test). Every single vehicle is subject to these checks - even older vehicles that are not fitted with a Tachograph.

Now you can get help to find your way through the maize of new regulations. The Organisation of Horsebox and Trailer Owners has dedicated a section of their brand new website. to solving your problem.

"These regulations will not affect the private owner at all" says Jon Phillips, M.D. of the OHTO. "The real problems lie in knowing how to apply for exemption. We have contacted the Vehicle Inspectorate and have included a down-loadable Exemption Form on our site. There is also a simplified summary of the new V.I. regulations and a series of Frequently Asked Questions that should cover most problems."

The newly re-vamped site also includes a Directions Finder. Put in your postcode and the location of the showground you are going to and a fully detailed map with full directions are generated for you to print out. If you know the showground postcode it will take you to the gate and it will even reverse the directions to get you home again!

Go to look under the "Legal Ease" tab for Tachograph problems or "Directions" for route mapping. The OHTO can also be contacted on 01488 657651 if you have any other problems.

Find out more, visit the links page or find answers on the message board.

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