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PERA is offering its members the exclusive opportunity of a pre 3 day training session, with top international dressage judge Francis Verbeek, due to be held at Waresley Park Stud on 3rd and 4th April.

Members will be given the chance to ride either the new 3 or 4 star test in front of Francis, which she will judge and then follow with practical advice and tips.

Francis is a top international dressage judge who has judged pure dressage at the World Cup Finals, the World Championships and the Olympics. She used to compete at top level and is a top class trainer who is also able to wear an 'eventers hat'!

A show jumping course will also be available to jump afterwards (members can choose their own height), with a show jumping trainer also present (members should state on their entry form if they would like to have show jumping advice).

The training days are limited to current PERA members only (membership application forms can be obtained on this website, or by contacting the address below!), and if there is a need to ballot, horses that are to compete at Foxhall, Lexington and Badminton will have priority.

Supporting members, riders' trainers and owners are also welcome to come and spectate.

Entry and membership forms are available from Emma Hunter, PERA Secretary, at Waresley Park Stud, Waresley, Sandy, Beds. SG19 3DD, email:, fax 01767 650402 or tel 01767 650516

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