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horse 'Think before you dump your rubbish' says the British Horse Society

The unnecessary death of a beloved family pony earlier this month has highlighted the dangers of dumping rubbish in fields says the British Horse Society (BHS).

It is believed that four year old miniature Shetland pony Malcolm died after ingesting toxins from rubbish dumped in his field in Esher, Surrey. The results of a post mortem are awaited to confirm the exact cause of death.

For the past few years people have been dumping rubbish in the paddocks where Mrs Khor keeps her horses, ranging from garden waste to crockery and car batteries. Pleas to house owners backing onto the land have come to nothing, and local authorities have also been unwilling to act.

Malcolm's owner, Mrs Khor, is understandably devastated and believes that Malcolm's death has been caused by the rubbish.
"I feel angry and upset that a young pony has had his life ended so suddenly. He became ill a few weeks ago, and four days later he had to be put down because he was suffering so much. People just don't seem to care. What they see as a field for getting rid of their rubbish can actually be the home to innocent animals", said Mrs Khor.

The BHS works to educate not just horse owners on equine welfare, but also raise awareness to the public of the consequences of their actions, such as dumping rubbish. BHS Head of Welfare, Kerstin Alford, said "Often people don't realise the potential harm their actions can cause. However it seems in the above case, that, although the offenders had been asked to stop, they carried on. By highlighting this tragic incident it will hopefully bring awareness and prevent a similar situation occurring".


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