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horse British Horse Society sponsor reaps reward

The British Horse Society is delighted that Ashby House, sponsors of the British World Championship TREC Team in 2002 and new sponsors for the 2003 British Young Riders TREC Team, have reaped the rewards of their sponsorship with increased export sales.

On hearing that the World Championship TREC Team did not have a sponsor last year, Director Ben Partridge approached Business Link in Leicestershire and they put him in touch with Trade Partners UK, a government organisation that provides support services to UK companies trading overseas. With the competition taking place in Spain and being attended by the media from Spain, France and Britain it was an ideal situation for sponsorship.

The Team finished a creditable fourth of seventeen, having to make use of borrowed horses, competing under some difficult conditions. The corresponding result has led to a marked increase in export sales for Ashby House, who have been able to develop their domestic market by sponsoring the BHS' website

Rob Jones, Head of Competitions at the BHS, said, "We are really pleased that Ashby House's sponsorship has led to an uplift in sales for the company. It shows very tangibly the effectiveness of correct marketing and that, for a reasonably small outlay, sponsorship can, and does, work."

Ashby House, based in Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, have been trading for just eighteen months. The business utilises its own website (<>) to source rider and country clothing, equestrian tack and gifts. Ben Partridge commented, "I felt that by sponsoring TREC team members in a positive way everyone could benefit and I would like to thank Trade Partners UK for their help. We will continue to use their help in sponsoring the first British Young Riders Team this year in Ayrshire during August."


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