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Read the Essay That Won a $2000 Scholarship from Bob Jeffreys Clinics!

Bob Jeffreys, founder of the Partnership Training for Horse and Rider system, and his clinic partner Suzanne Sheppard want to congratulate Kate Weston, author of the essay that won her a scholarship worth $2000! The nationwide essay contest was open to young adults between 16-21 years who aspire to become horse trainers. Kate, from New Paltz, New York, is a 20 year old college student at SUNY New Paltz, part-time wrangler, and competitor on the college equestrian team. She’ll be a participant in Bob’s Trainer Education Program Level 1, to be held at Bob’s own Jeffcrest Ranch in Middletown, NY from July 7 – 18, 2003. She and the other TEP participants will learn all the groundwork necessary to train a green horse to saddle, including round penning, trailer loading, halter breaking, advanced leading, first time saddling and mounting, etc. Other winners include Ann Marie Kaleda, who won a free spot in Bob’s 4 day long Extended Foundation Clinic; Julie Letourneau, and Jana Scelia (who tied for the 3rd place prize) will each attend a Foundation Clinic Level 1, and runners up Rebekah Rodgers, Rebecca Lucas, and Michelle Vandermark, who will each receive a $100 certificate good for any Bob Jeffreys Clinics event. Bob’s methods benefit all equestrian disciplines and skill levels. For more info and to read the winning essay please visit m, or call (845)692-7478. Congratulations to all the winners!


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