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Cardinal Club to Host Brookhill Steeplechase Gala on Friday May 2

RALEIGH- The Raleigh Jaycees present the annual Brookhill Steeplechase Gala on Friday May 2 at the prestigious Cardinal Club in downtown Raleigh. The annual
black-tie charity fundraiser will bring local personalities, including WRAL-TV’s Cullen Browder, and Steeplechase fans together to raise money for the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, one of the Raleigh Jaycees’ primary charities for 2003. ADS Printing and Tournament Promotions have stepped up to be among the many proud sponsors of the 2003 Brookhill Steeplechase Gala. Already a long-standing supporter of the Steeplechase, this will be the first year the Cardinal Club will host the Brookhill Gala.

Part of this year’s Brookhill Steeplechase Weekend, the Brookhill Steeplechase Gala kicks off the festivities with hors d’oeuvres, a live and a silent auction, musical entertainment and dancing. Auction items include a pair of airline tickets, courtesy of American Airlines, to anywhere in the continental United States, Canada or the Caribbean; a pair of airline tickets, courtesy of AirTran , to any destination they provide service; vacation packages at The Inn at Carolla Light, the Peabody Orlando and Wildwood Green Golf Club; and sessions at The Museum Spa, Healthy and Harmony Spa or Creedmoor Chiropractic. Tickets are $50 per person and available online, via email or by phone. Contributions and proceeds to this event will be tax-deductible. Information is available online at or by phone at (919) 713-0031.

The Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center (created in 1973) was designated as a "comprehensive" cancer center for its excellence in research and for other contributions in the areas of clinical trials, prevention and control efforts, information and educational offerings, and outreach and service activities. The Center’s more then 300 physicians and scientists research all aspects of cancer biology and treatment. Last year, there were more than 7,600 inpatient admissions to Duke Hospital for cancer care, with 30 percent of these patients coming from outside North Carolina. Cancer patients make more than 120,000 visits to outpatient clinics each year.

The Raleigh Jaycees, chartered in 1932 as the Raleigh Junior Chamber of Commerce, is a 350+ member civic organization dedicated to leadership development through community service. In addition to the Duke Cancer Center, the Raleigh Jaycees financially support the Boys and Girls Home at Lake Waccamaw, the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center and many other noble charity organizations. To learn more about the Raleigh Jaycees, please call (919) 713-0031 or visit


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