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Dr. Cesar Parra’s Dressage Domination Continues on Florida Circuit

Wellington, FL— Dr. Cesar Parra’s domination of the Prix St. Georges and Intermediaire FEI classes continues on the Florida Circuit. Dr. Parra and Horses Unlimited’s imported Hanoverian stallion Pik L won the FEI high score award and took home two more blue ribbons at the prestigious Palm Beach Dressage Derby.

The previous weekend the duo swept the division at the US Freestyle Championship Show in Miami and earned the FEI High Score Award with a 73.75 in Intermediaire One, bringing their season total to ten victories and two second place finishes in twelve starts. “Pik L is just incredible,” Dr. Parra said. “He just keeps getting better and better at each show.”


The judges have agreed with Dr. Parra’s assessment of the Pik Bube II son. After placing Dr. Parra and Pik L first in Intermediaire One at the US Freestyle Championships show, German FEI ‘O’ judge Dr. Volker Moritz commented, “The quality of the horse and the gaits are absolutely excellent. It was a beautiful test. I gave collective marks of 8, 7,8, 8.”

The competitive Florida Circuit is serving as the preparation for Dr. Parra’s goal for 2003—the Pan American Games. The native Colombian hopes to repeat or improve upon his silver medal at the 1999 Games. Since his medal winning performance, Dr. Parra has continued to hone his skills by studying in Germany with top international trainers like Hans Rubens. “Mastering dressage takes a lifetime,” said Dr. Parra. “It is my passion. My love for my horses keeps me striving to learn more and continue to improve.”

Dr. Parra trains for his own Piaffe Performance training stable. He and his family split their time between Florida, New Jersey and Germany.


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